Society of Authors logo, an interlocked capital S, lowercase o and capital A on a light blue background.

Society of Authors mobbed by transphobes over disability support

The Society of Authors posted a tweet which included the phrase "self-identified" in relation to disability. Transphobes, who have been trained to view the phrase as negative, reacted badly.
The Guardian/The Observer building in London, where Nick Cohen has been suspended from. It shows their logos in the window with a bicycle chained to the street sign out front.

Nick Cohen suspension blamed on trans people by The Telegraph

In a piece written for The Telegraph by Ben Woods it is claimed that Nick Cohen has been suspended from The Observer following a trans rights row. Whereas this is chronologically correct, it isn't really the whole story.
A photo of a pen and a stethoscope on a medical chart to represent The Cass Review

Irresponsible British media reporting incites panic over youth gender clinic replacement

Following the interim Cass report; advice suggested closing Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic for transgender youth and replacing it with regional services. British media have chosen to report on this in the worst way possible and sought comment almost exclusively from anti-trans activists.
: Arched ceiling, with curved glass panels, in one of the basement offices of the Liverpool Cotton Exchange. Its the cotton ceiling, get it?

Allison Bailey; why did the judge ignore her cotton ceiling accusation?

During the Allison Bailey tribunal we heard a lot about "The cotton ceiling". Which is a phrase used primarily by anti-trans activists nowadays to frame transgender women in particular as predatory men. This is a deliberately unfair reading meant to monster transgender women.
A photo of Allison Bailey

Allison Bailey’s embarrassing loss to Stonewall UK

Framing, its fun for all the family! The result of the Allison Bailey tribunal is out and transphobes are already claiming a win, with Allison herself having repeatedly posted the hashtag #AllisonBaileyWins.
Photo of a Stonewall UK march during 2010 Pride in London

Stonewall UK issue statement regarding 5 days of transphobic backlash

Stonewall UK have issued a statement regarding a recent and still ongoing transphobic backlash that has seen hashtags like #StonewallOut trending for multiple days.
The New Women's March logo; three silhouettes of faces overlayed on top of each other and alternating in colours from blue to white and back to blue again. They are meant to represent a diverse selection of women and include different facial features.

New Women’s March Logo has transphobes losing it

The Women's March logo has come under fire from those involved in organising against trans people's equality. This because they've apparently put a man in it, and by which they mean a transgender woman. Hilarity has of course, ensued.
Various coloured pills on a table, meant to represent medication or in this case bridging hormones. Source; MorgueFile

Bridging hormones; why do transphobes want you furious about it?

Attempting to manufacture yet more anti-trans panic, The Telegraph ran a story regarding 'bridging hormones', which is short for a doctor prescribing you medication for harm reduction purposes. According to The Telegraph this basic harm reduction strategy is bad, because transgender.
A photo of Fallon Fox and competitor Tamikka Brents squaring up before the big fight. Just kidding, its actually a photo of cosplayers from video game convention E3 dressed as Tekken characters peforming pre-match poses. I thought it would be funny to use a photo that wasn't Fallon Fox and Tamikka Brents for reasons that will become obvious when you read further into the article.

Fallon Fox hits back after BBC apologise for platforming her

After anti-trans groups, some who have notably said some very awful things themselves, complained to the BBC about comments made by former MMA fighter, Fallon Fox; the BBC apologised. Just like that! No protests, months of organising or appealing ECU decisions necessary! Weird!
Photo of Rachel Reeves MP

Labour Shadow Chancellor, Rachel Reeves has a problem with transgender women in changing rooms

So yeah, Rachel Reeves, if you have a problem with transgender women using the bathroom or changing areas? Then you can wait outside. As can any other transphobe. I am not asking for permission to use women's spaces, I am asserting my rights to not be discriminated against for being transgender.