stonewall complaint rejected

The Trans Agenda #30 – New Deputy in Scotland, Stonewall’s setback, and UK billboards...

The Trans Agenda #30 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...
Joanne Harris reading an excerpt from one of her books at the King's Chapel during the Gibraltar International Literary Festival held in October 2013.

Joanne Harris pressured into outing child by disgusting transphobes

The transphobic hate-campaign is still mobilising on The Society of Authors and Joanne Harris in particular. This has culminated in the author feeling pressured to speak up in support of her trans son.
A representation of trans joy via International Mr Leather #29, at the Chicago Theater, 2007. The photo shows men wearing various assortments of leather, one has his butt cheeks on display in assless chaps.

Pure trans joy is dancing & butts

Look, lots of people post things they call trans joy but they’re just celebrating having queer friends (set the bar higher!) or consuming other trans people’s creative content (cool, but make your own!). Those things are fun and all, but have you ever tried really living in your body and thriving in it?
A big pile of books, stacked up to look like a brick wall.

JK Rowling not included on BBC reading list, like most other authors

Many have also remarked on the fact that the list describes itself as being there to promote books that "readers might not have read before". That includes Susheila Nasta, who worked on the project and spoke to BBC Radio 4 on the subject. She adds that the Philosopher's Stone was on the longlist of 153 books, but didn't make the final cut. With the reasoning for that being that "its a children's book".
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The Trans Agenda #17 Anti-trans activists say women are rubbish at sport

The Trans Agenda #17 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...
Handmaids Tale at the Boston Womens March 2019

Britain’s descent into fascism continues  

Drug testing women who have lost pregnancies to see if they have taken abortion pills, strip searching children, increasing surveillance in schools, arresting protestors, front page after front page telling us to hate, hate, hate those who need help, the UK is in serious trouble.
An image of a painting by Horace Fisher titled “Alas, poor Yorick!” of the scene from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The scene shows three men in a graveyard. Two are well dressed and positioned above the rag cloth dressed man who looks up at them from inside an open grave. One of the well dressed men is holding a skull.

Former Anti-SJW YouTuber Gets Shoutout From JK Rowling

Sinead Watson, a detransitioned woman, has campaigned and been part of the anti-trans movement even before she detransitioned. This because she had always taken a position against other transgender people and feminists in general with her anti-SJW YouTube content. She even got a shout out by JKR’s previous favourite Scottish woman, Magdalen Berns.
Official press portrait for Stella Creasy MP. The full image also shows her child in a lil papoose kinda thing. Its cropped out of this one because wider images work better than taller for this purpose but I wanted to put it in the alt text because she's a little bit of a badass and this is my salute to that.

Stella Creasy MP receives transphobic & misogynist backlash for stating the law

According to Stella Creasy and the GRA; you don't need to get surgery in order to have your legal sex changed in the UK. This is all factually true and the result of the law working that way means that yes; some women have penises. You can disagree, you can say you think the law is bad, you can turn yourselves red with rage about it. But nonetheless, as it stands, the law in the UK states that some women have penises - and in a court of law you would not be able to simply ignore that.
When was T added to LGBT? A protestor holds a sign in 2011 at a London Pride event reading: "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Fighting Racism and Homophobia for the right of asylum for LGBT refugees. Stop the deportations." Photocredit: stephenrwalli via Wikimedia Commons

When was the T added to LGBT? A quick history

Disinformation about queer rights history is rife and often spread by people pushing an anti-trans agenda by, somewhat successfully, arguing that T is new and dragging the rest of the acronym down. But is that true? Answering the question when was the T added to LGBT, Sarah Clarke writes;
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The Trans Agenda #9 An election imminent?

The Trans Agenda #9 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...