Sarah Clarke

Sarah Clarke is a trans writer and researcher with interests in trans safety, health and history. Sarah is also a volunteer for Trans Safety Network.
A photo of New College Swindon where a teacher was supposedly sacked for misgendering

Are teachers really being sacked for misgendering? (No and The Press is in on...

The sacking and eventual banning from teaching of evangelical Christian teacher Joshua Sutcliffe over what the BBC calls a “transgender row” generated a lot of breathless headlines. With claims from the press that Sutcliffe was sacked for misgendering. But as Sarah Clarke writes, there's always more to the story than the headlines will tell you.
When was T added to LGBT? A protestor holds a sign in 2011 at a London Pride event reading: "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. Fighting Racism and Homophobia for the right of asylum for LGBT refugees. Stop the deportations." Photocredit: stephenrwalli via Wikimedia Commons

When was the T added to LGBT? A quick history

Disinformation about queer rights history is rife and often spread by people pushing an anti-trans agenda by, somewhat successfully, arguing that T is new and dragging the rest of the acronym down. But is that true? Answering the question when was the T added to LGBT, Sarah Clarke writes;