A photo of Allison Bailey

Allison Bailey: “I do not identify as a lesbian, I am a lesbian”

This is important because if its true that women are more likely to be gender critical then it would support the claim of indirect discrimination based on sex and sexuality, which is what Bailey alleges happened. However the barristers supporting the defendants, Garden Court Chambers and Stonewall UK, were very quick to shut this idea down. Not only citing polls which disprove that anti-trans views are more common amongst women, such as one by YouGov, which aren't hampered by the selection bias of dedicated anti-trans groups. But also with a thorough cross-examination of supporting evidence too.
Census 2021 logo which reads "census 2021" in a purple font and also includes the welsh for census too which is "cyfrifiad". This is the first official UK government survey to include transgender and non-binary census data.

What does Census 2021 say about trans people?

Trans people live in diverse communities, intersecting ethnicity, age, disability, religion and sexuality. This is not news, but the Office for National Statistics released fresh data comparing the gender identities of people in England and Wales with key demographics which were recorded in Census 2021.
trans writes trans media watch

An open letter to James O’Brien about trans people

Dear James, Perhaps you would indulge me here a little as I try to guide you on an issue you seem to be having some problems with – the ‘transgender debate’.
the trans agenda logo

The Trans Agenda #9 An election imminent?

The Trans Agenda #9 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...

NI LGBTQI+ youth groups face devastating cuts

LGBTQI+ youth groups in Northern Ireland are facing devastating cuts as the impact of a lack of government here, coupled with everything else that is going on in the UK, starts to bite.
Press photo of Penny Mordaunt MP Source: HM Government, Ally of the Year

LGBT Cons Ally of the Year is… Penny Mordaunt… really?

During the Conservative Party conference held in Birmingham this year, former leadership candidate and MP for Portsmouth North Penny Mordaunt was presented with the award for ‘Ally of the Year’ by the Tory LGBTQ+ group called the LGBT Conservatives.
Common Sense Group

The Common Sense Group: No sense, plenty of hate

Who are the Common Sense Group and why we should be very concerned.
A photo of JK Rowling reading from The Philosopher's Stone at The White House in 2010

Where was JK Rowling during #BanConversionTherapy protests?

JK Rowling has begun trending on Twitter in the aftermath of the protest as trans people in particular remember that in June 2020 JK Rowling posted the following tweet; "I respect every trans person's right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I'd march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it's hateful to say so."
Press photo of Sajid Javid MP, a candidate in the tory leadership race

Frightening law change; Sajid Javid to invade medical confidentiality for 1000s of children

Articles posted to The Daily Mail and The Times are making claims that Health Secretary Sajid Javid is looking to change the law regarding record keeping for trans patients with the NHS. This is allegedly an attempt to aid in the ongoing Cass Review