Two cricket balls to illustrate the question "should I cut off my balls"?

Should I cut off my balls or wait for the NHS to fix trans...

Here's a quick update to where I'm at with my trans healthcare journey in the UK; questioning whether I should cut off my balls...
TransLucent logo; who announced an article on trans as a biological condition on Sunday

Trans as a biological condition; TransLucent apologises

TransLucent, formerly Steph's Place, announced on Sunday it would be publishing an article regarding being "trans as a biological condition". Which generated a lot of discourse within the trans community.
Kathleen Stock in the Times

The Trans Agenda #24 – Cass fightback begins and the bigots don’t like it

The Trans Agenda #24 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
A photo of JK Rowling reading from The Philosopher's Stone at The White House in 2010

Where was JK Rowling during #BanConversionTherapy protests?

JK Rowling has begun trending on Twitter in the aftermath of the protest as trans people in particular remember that in June 2020 JK Rowling posted the following tweet; "I respect every trans person's right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I'd march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it's hateful to say so."
The Scottish Parliament debating chamber where Scottish GRA reform was recently debated. Where Scottish Parliament public gallery kicked off and where Scottish Gender Recognition Reform bill was passed.

Scottish Parliament public gallery kicks off over GRR ammendment defeat

As we hear arguments for and against ammendments for the Gender Recognition Reform bill and the ultimate decision on whether it will pass; the Scottish Parliament public gallery has kicked off.
An image of a suffragettes march in New York dated October 1915. There are hundreds if not thousands of people watching as about 20 women march with signs I can't read because the picture is old and small and I have bad eyes.

Women’s Aid decides some women are less equal than others

Women’s Aid, founded in 1996, are a sadly vital and much needed resource and refuge for women across the UK. Domestic and sexual violence are a scourge that primarily affects women with low income women in particular not having the resources or ability to escape as easily. So its extremely disheartening to see their recent statement deciding that women like me are just less deserving of sanctuary or escape.
A photo of Allison Bailey

Allison Bailey’s attempt to sue Stonewall UK; an introduction

Allison Bailey is alleging she was discriminated against by her employers, Garden Court Chambers, and also Stonewall UK. She believes that she has lost work because of Stonewall as she is a critic of 'Stonewall Law'. Which, in short, is the idea that Stonewall are misrepresenting the law, specifically the Equality Act, and disadvantaging cisgender women at the behest of transgender women.
A shot of Parliament square showing the House of Parliament

As a nonbinary person “I watched in horror” during Parliament’s nonbinary legal recognition debate

The untold damage to the psyche of those of us in the Section 28 Generation has yet to be genuinely explored; but it might explain why many of us in the 35-50 age bracket who now understand ourselves to be nonbinary watched in horror as the parliamentary “debate” on nonbinary recognition unfolded. A ghostly recreation of the ignorance, dismissiveness, whataboutery and speculative fiction that led so many of us to be left without any guidance or support in the 80s; let alone reassurances that there was nothing wrong with us. 
JK Rowling smiling at the crowd during her book reading at the white house in 2010. JK Rowling Should Go To Prison.

JK Rowling selfie attacks Nicola Sturgeon over trans-inclusion

A JK Rowling selfie has become a news item after the Harry Potter author posted one to social media. In which, she is seen wearing a t-shirt targeting Nicola Sturgeon by calling her the "destroyer of women's rights".
Official press portrait for Stella Creasy MP. The full image also shows her child in a lil papoose kinda thing. Its cropped out of this one because wider images work better than taller for this purpose but I wanted to put it in the alt text because she's a little bit of a badass and this is my salute to that.

Stella Creasy MP receives transphobic & misogynist backlash for stating the law

According to Stella Creasy and the GRA; you don't need to get surgery in order to have your legal sex changed in the UK. This is all factually true and the result of the law working that way means that yes; some women have penises. You can disagree, you can say you think the law is bad, you can turn yourselves red with rage about it. But nonetheless, as it stands, the law in the UK states that some women have penises - and in a court of law you would not be able to simply ignore that.