Official media portrait of Nadhim Zahawi a candidate in the tory leadership race

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi MP protested at Warwick University over anti-trans rhetoric

The Conservative government in the UK are determined to push forwards on using transgender people as a wedge issue in order to distract from their incompetence. They are fanning the flames of the culture war so that you forget the thousands of our family members who died alone and in agony as they lapped up the luxuries in parties while paying their mates millions of your money to invariably do a terrible job of providing basics like PPE to hospitals.
A photo of Mill Lane where some women were kicked out of a Cardiff bar

Some women were kicked out of a Cardiff bar for alleged transphobia

A group of women were kicked out of a Cardiff bar this weekend with some of them also being detained by police. This due to allegedly harassing a transgender woman.

NI LGBTQI+ youth groups face devastating cuts

LGBTQI+ youth groups in Northern Ireland are facing devastating cuts as the impact of a lack of government here, coupled with everything else that is going on in the UK, starts to bite.
Society of Authors logo, an interlocked capital S, lowercase o and capital A on a light blue background.

Society of Authors mobbed by transphobes over disability support

The Society of Authors posted a tweet which included the phrase "self-identified" in relation to disability. Transphobes, who have been trained to view the phrase as negative, reacted badly.
Testosterone for women ‘a life-changer’ James Beal - Social Affairs Editor Researchers are developing the world’s first testosterone patch for women with menopausal symptoms, and the UK could be the first country to test it. Medherant, a company founded by David Haddleton, a professor of chemistry at the University of Warwick, aims to start clinical trials this autumn. If these go well, Haddleton said the potential to improve women’s lives was huge, including helping them with their sex drive — as they cannot be prescribed testosterone for this on the NHS at present. Some instead turn to irregular doses of a gel that is approved only for use onmen, experts say. Testosterone is an essential hormone for women and its production drops heavily after the menopause. Oestrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) patches — which stick to the skin to deliver medications — are available. However, there is no testosterone patch for women suffering with adverse symptoms from the menopause. Professor Haddleton said: “The work we’re doing at Medherant and at Warwick isn’t just theoretical, but instead aimed at a problem women are facing which can drastically affect their everyday lives and jobs. “This could deliver a product that is much needed and is just not available. With the technology already proven to work we can use our new patch to remove needless misery from women’s daily lives. We hope this will transform life for women suffering from postmenopause issues nationally and indeed globally.” Guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in 2015 recommended testosterone supplementation be considered for menopausal women with low sexual desire if HRT alone was not effective. The new patch is intended to address this gap in menopause products and provide treatment for women that can be made widely available.

The Times’ hypocrisy: Testosterone for cis women a “Life-Changer” but poison for trans people?

Times' hypocrisy: praises testosterone patch for menopausal women, yet demonises its use for trans people. Question media's double standards.
Sunday Mail page 5 showing Angela Raynor with the headline 'Stone the crows! Tories accuse Rayner of Basic Instinct ploy to distract Boris' Full Alt Text:

Gender critical cult silent over Mail’s Rayner misogyny and Shriver abuse

Self-declared feminists who are ‘only concerned about women and girls’ have had little-to-nothing to say this week on either the Sunday Mail’s misogynistic hit-piece...
trans writes trans media watch

An open letter to James O’Brien about trans people

Dear James, Perhaps you would indulge me here a little as I try to guide you on an issue you seem to be having some problems with – the ‘transgender debate’.
Official press photo of Rachel Reeves. Rachel Reeves has agreed to meet with JK Rowling to discuss transphobia

UK Labour’s Rachel Reeves has agreed to meet with JK Rowling as the author...

What a headline. In a previous post we talked about the UK media bending over backwards to platform Rowling over the fact that 16 children died by suicide as a result of transphobic extremism in the healthcare sector. Today we bring you news Rachel Reeves has agreed to meet with JK Rowling as the author attacks a Labour councillor.
A very young girl using a smart phone and my plea to Esther Ghey about children's privacy. Credit Bicanski via Wikimedia Commons

A plea to Esther Ghey and a quick guide on invading children’s privacy

A year on from the murder of her daughter, the trial barely being over, the media still desperate to make her killers famous and the Prime Minister refusing to apologise for transphobia; I cannot stress how much I admire the strength of Esther Ghey. But I must warn against the path she is taking.
Press photo of Kemi Badenoch,, who likened trans people to a disease and is a candidate in the tory leadership race and who knew of LGB Alliance's anti-trans lobbying before meeting with them

Document reveals Government were aware of LGB Alliance’s anti-trans lobbying before meeting with them

A document from 2020 obtained by Trans Writes reveals that the Government Equalities Offices were completely aware of LGB Alliance's anti-trans lobbying before meeting with them. Jess O'Thomson writes;