A wide shot of JK Rowling reading from The Sorcerer's Stone in The White House Gardens

JK Rowling’s horrific claim that trans women “retain male pattern criminality”

This transphobic disinformation has been floating around for many years now and has been debunked repeatedly. Despite this it persists as a quasi-religious belief amongst transphobes such as JK Rowling who repeated the claim on Twitter.
Grhama Norton in the Sunday Times, 18/09/22

Graham Norton: JK Rowling ‘enjoys’ fighting on Twitter

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Graham Norton said that he believes JK Rowling enjoys fighting on Twitter after comments she made to him.
The banner Genspect are upset about: A trans flag emoji with the words "Bring me your children, what I can't trans I'll eat"

Genspect used my profile in their propaganda

Genspect, a controversial org targeting support for transgender youth, have now taken aim at me personally via a screenshot of my profile in their propaganda.
EHRC are representing LGB Alliance in court and this is one of their ads trying to explain what they do. It shows their logo and reads "We stand up for freedom, compassion and justice in our changing times. Our work is driven by a simple belief; when everyone gets a fair chance in life, we all thrive."

EHRC are representing LGB Alliance in court

Two commissioners for EHRC are representing LGB Alliance in their court battle to maintain their charity status, which has been challenged by a coalition...
LGB Alliance's logo; LGB Alliance's charity status is under threat by legal action.

LGB Alliance’s charity status & the legal action against it

LGB Alliance's charity status is currently under threat in legal action brought by Mermaids UK. The arguments for and against will be heard in court from today, the 9th September 2022.
The Trans Rescue logo, which shows a helicopter flying with a ring of trans flag colours around it. Underneath which it reads Trans Rescue. They run Eden House.

Eden House; Trans Rescue’s safe haven in Kenya attacked, two women injured

Trans Rescue are an organisation who help trans people escape situations and countries where they are not safe. Sadly, their safe haven for trans people, Eden House, was attacked on September 6th during the night.
trans talking points

Queer people with every reason to fear new UK Cabinet

As Liz Truss announced her cabinet on Tuesday night, our worst fears were realised. It was clear - the far right think tanks had completed their silent coup.
water droplets falling into a puddle of yellow water causing ripples; used in place of images to signify the piss protest against ehrc.

Protest against EHRC by trans people with 60 jugs of p***

The equality watchdog has been making repeated moves to support transphobic campaigners and narratives at the expense of transgender people. Leading an activist group to protest against EHRC with several jugs of piss.
The Cloudflare logo, an orange cloud with a lens flare shape in its negative space.

Cloudflare finally drops cyberstalking site citing ‘imminent’ threat to life

The ongoing campaign to deplatform cyberstalking website Kiwi Farms led by Clara Sorrenti has had a major success. Cloudflare, who offered security services to the site, have now dropped their protection for it which saw the site go offline for some time.
‘Cancelled’ Starkey unrepentant as he takes on trans lobby Daily Mail2 Sep 2022 UH- OH, Dr David Starkey is whipping up a storm again — and this time he’s taking on the notoriously prickly trans lobby. The television historian, who was ‘cancelled’ after making racist remarks in 2020, has now publicly questioned the right of transgender women to identify themselves as female. ‘One of the terrible problems of the age that we live in is the refusal to confront the truth,’ declares the Tudors expert. ‘The whole world of so much of the social media, the whole world of critical race theory, and the whole world of transsexuality is a gigantic lie.’ He explains: ‘It’s an act of faith — it’s preposterous the idea that a man can become a woman. ‘These are simple absurdities. ‘And large parts of the population — the young population, those who, one would hope, are more questing, are most disillusioned with fiction — swallow fiction.’ Speaking on LBC’s Iain Dale All Talk podcast, Dr Starkey (pictured) adds: ‘We don’t need a new Jesus Christ; we need a teller of blunt, cruel truth. Well, perhaps that was Jesus. If you read the Bible, the Bible was brutal.’ Dr Starkey, 76, apologised after his incendiary remarks about slavery. He was dropped by his long-standing publisher, HarperCollins, and his literary agency, Rogers Coleridge & White, as well as losing top academic posts after he claimed that slavery did not constitute genocide. Last year, however, he shocked diners in London’s Soho by saying he stood by his original offensive comments. ‘I don’t regret that statement,’ he said at the London Grill Club. ‘I regret how I said it, and the fact that I gave a handle to my enemies, which is a stupid thing to do. ‘I regret stupidity, I don’t regret a moral position.’

GCs and media continue to erase lesbians: The week in trans 04/09/22

Another week, another series of articles talking nonsense about trans people in the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, and Times.