JK Rowling smiling at the crowd during her book reading at the white house in 2010. JK Rowling Should Go To Prison.

JK Rowling selfie attacks Nicola Sturgeon over trans-inclusion

A JK Rowling selfie has become a news item after the Harry Potter author posted one to social media. In which, she is seen wearing a t-shirt targeting Nicola Sturgeon by calling her the "destroyer of women's rights".
Image of a classroom with chairs stacked on top of the desks. Almost certainly not the one Kevin Lister was fired from.

Kevin Lister fired over treatment of transgender student

Kevin Lister, a teacher from Swindon, was fired and is now taking legal action against his former school. He was fired regaridng his treatment of a transgender student.
An example of a chest binder, almost certainly not the one offered by Mermaids UK

Mermaids UK criticised by British media (and JK Rowling) for giving chest binder to...

Children's charity and parental support group Mermaids UK have come under fire from the usual transphobic suspects trying to demonise any and all support for trans youth. This time over the use and support of teens using a chest binder. JK Rowling was there too, in case you cared.
an image of someone chest binding

Chest binding study; “over 97% reported at least one negative health outcome”

A study on chest binding is being bandied about by the anti-trans crowd due to the eye catching statistic reported in the abstract. "Over 97% reported at least one of 28 negative outcomes attributed to binding". But what does this actually mean?
water droplets falling into a puddle of yellow water causing ripples; used in place of images to signify the piss protest against ehrc.

Protest against EHRC by trans people with 60 jugs of p***

The equality watchdog has been making repeated moves to support transphobic campaigners and narratives at the expense of transgender people. Leading an activist group to protest against EHRC with several jugs of piss.
A photo of our planet; ie the participants of The Gender Census Worldwide Report 2022

Gender Census 2022: Worldwide report

The Gender Census 2022 is out and Tom Pashby has a little poke around inside of it. Small content warning for transphobic slurs, which will be uncensored in this article.

Women’s March stands by trans women, laughs at Terfs

The official Twitter account for the Women's March responded to vast amounts of transphobic abuse by advising Terfs to stay mad.
Official media portrait of Nadhim Zahawi a candidate in the tory leadership race

Education Secretary Nadhim Zahawi MP protested at Warwick University over anti-trans rhetoric

The Conservative government in the UK are determined to push forwards on using transgender people as a wedge issue in order to distract from their incompetence. They are fanning the flames of the culture war so that you forget the thousands of our family members who died alone and in agony as they lapped up the luxuries in parties while paying their mates millions of your money to invariably do a terrible job of providing basics like PPE to hospitals.
A photo of Helen Joyce during a speaking event. Helen Joyce reads porn of teenagers for "research".

Helen Joyce threatens lawsuit against University Professor

Helen Joyce's comments on the show recently caused a massive controversy as she argued to "reduce" the population of people she found to be "damaged" and "difficulties for a sane world". This tirade included all transgender people, whether they were "happily transitioned" and even those who had detransitioned.
trans talking points

Marjorie Taylor Greene blames US tampon shortage on trans men

Marjorie Taylor Green has been widely mocked after blaming the US’s current tampon shortage on trans people.