A wide shot of JK Rowling reading from The Sorcerer's Stone in The White House Gardens

JK Rowling gets told to shut up by Lesbian Visibility Week creator, reacts with...

Alex Drummond has been on the receiving end of heavy transphobic abuse and harassment first and foremost for being a transgender woman, but secondly for being one who has a beard. This has been ongoing for several years. Transphobes referring to themselves as "gender critical" simply can't help themselves but assert that no woman could ever be proud of having a beard, ignoring the myriad of cisgender women who have beards too in order to make such a misogynist argument.
A wide shot of JK Rowling reading from The Sorcerer's Stone in The White House Gardens

JK Rowling, lesbians and The Cotton Ceiling

If they believe it hard enough, perhaps they can will it into existence but I doubt it. Trans people just don't want to have sex with rancid nasty bigots. We want to have sex with people who love us and respect us, like anyone else.
Official portrait of Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne.

JK Rowling calls Baroness Emma Nicholson a bigot

Statements like the above truly show the depth of anti-trans conspiracy theory which JK Rowling has allowed herself to fall victm to. But its been noted repeatedly that we probably should have seen the signs coming, not least because of her friendships such as that with the Baroness.
Press photo of Sajid Javid MP, a candidate in the tory leadership race

Frightening law change; Sajid Javid to invade medical confidentiality for 1000s of children

Articles posted to The Daily Mail and The Times are making claims that Health Secretary Sajid Javid is looking to change the law regarding record keeping for trans patients with the NHS. This is allegedly an attempt to aid in the ongoing Cass Review
The banner Genspect are upset about: A trans flag emoji with the words "Bring me your children, what I can't trans I'll eat"

Genspect used my profile in their propaganda

Genspect, a controversial org targeting support for transgender youth, have now taken aim at me personally via a screenshot of my profile in their propaganda.
EHRC are representing LGB Alliance in court and this is one of their ads trying to explain what they do. It shows their logo and reads "We stand up for freedom, compassion and justice in our changing times. Our work is driven by a simple belief; when everyone gets a fair chance in life, we all thrive."

EHRC are representing LGB Alliance in court

Two commissioners for EHRC are representing LGB Alliance in their court battle to maintain their charity status, which has been challenged by a coalition...
The Trans Rescue logo, which shows a helicopter flying with a ring of trans flag colours around it. Underneath which it reads Trans Rescue. They run Eden House.

Eden House; Trans Rescue’s safe haven in Kenya attacked, two women injured

Trans Rescue are an organisation who help trans people escape situations and countries where they are not safe. Sadly, their safe haven for trans people, Eden House, was attacked on September 6th during the night.
Photo of University of Central Lancashire's Library (UCLan) by Fetler

UCLan Professor pens brazenly transphobic guidance for journalists & media

I would go on and dissect more of this UCLan style guide but its really all just the same. A complete disregard for transgender lives and an attempt to make transphobia easier to practice in the media for bigots. The point isn't fairness, equality, accuracy or balance. Its simply to create a double standard wherein the actual identity of a transgender person becomes part of the story - something that is literally never on the table when cisgender people commit crimes.
trans talking points

Trans talking points: Bailey, Joyce + more

As it has been very quiet in the papers since the death of the world's largest landowner, I thought it a good idea to...
A photo of Boris Johnson with some flags behind him.

7 of 11 Tory PM candidates are doing lazy transphobia

With former Prime Minister Boris Johnson forced into resigning after countless scandals and horrific behaviours, Tory PM candidates transphobia card is being played by all but one.