Media Watch

Trans Writes Media Watch keeps an eye on legacy publishers, mostly right-wing print as the worst culprits, to highlight the misinformation and smear campaigns being spread about trans and non-binary people.

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The Trans Agenda #9 An election imminent?

The Trans Agenda #9 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...
trans talking points

Trans talking points: Bailey, Joyce + more

As it has been very quiet in the papers since the death of the world's largest landowner, I thought it a good idea to...
trans writes trans media watch

Mail on Sunday upset doctors told to treat trans people like everybody else

Michael Powell and the Mail on Sunday are upset that doctors are being 'told not quiz patients on trans status'.
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The Trans Agenda #1 4 March 2024

News you need, the perspective you won't find anywhere else. The trans community's guide to UK news and politics and our place in it.
BBC attempt to launder reputation of Graham Linehan of Graham Linehan; the image shows the BBC log on a curved red-brick wall.

BBC call transphobic letter a ‘report’

When is a report not a report? When it's a letter seen by a transphobic journalist at the BBC.
summarise from a pro trans perspective and explain why this is unworkable - Tories to allow ban on trans women in single-sex spaces The Guardian3 Jun 2024Jessica Elgot Deputy political editor Kemi Badenoch has said the Conservatives will change the Equality Act to rewrite the definition of sex and allow organisations to bar trans women from single-sex spaces, including hospital wards and sports events. The party will make clear that the protected characteristic of sex means biological sex, enabling those who wish to bar male-bodied people from organisations or activities to do so. The minister for women and equalities said: “Whether it is rapists being housed in women’s prisons, or instances of men playing in women’s sports where they have an unfair advantage, it is clear that public authorities and regulatory bodies are confused about what the law says on sex and gender and when to act – often for fear of being accused of transphobia, or not being inclusive.” Last year, Badenoch asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission to advise on the change. The equalities watchdog said the new definition would make it possible to exclude trans people from same-sex spaces even if they hold a gender recognition certificate. The law will still protect against discrimination based on the status of gender reassignment, the Conservatives said. The party also said it would change the law to make gender recognition a reserved matter that only the UK government could legislate on, a reaction to the row over the Scottish gender recognition bill, which was blocked by Westminster. Announcing the change, Rishi Sunak said that he wanted to enshrine the right to single-sex spaces in law. “The safety of women and girls is too important to allow the current confusion around definitions of sex and gender to persist,” he said. Sunak and the Conservatives have used gender and trans rights as a key plank of their election strategy against Labour and Keir Starmer. Article Name:Tories to allow ban on trans women in single-sex spaces Publication:The Guardian Author:Jessica Elgot Deputy political editor Start Page:4 End Page:4

The Trans Agenda #32 Tory cruelty ramps up

The Trans Agenda #31 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...
trans memorial manchester via sparkle

Media ignore desecration and destruction of trans memorial in Manchester

The horrendous news that the memorial to transgender people was urinated on by multiple people before being irreparable damaged was not covered by any of the national newspapers in the UK
St John Ambulance tells job applicants to share their chosen pronouns Daily Mail29 Mar 2024By Alex Ward Social Affairs Correspondent ST JOHN Ambulance has been accused of ‘hostility’ towards job applicants after it emerged staff were being urged to share their pronouns when applying for posts internally. The candidate centre for the charity’s internally advertised jobs requested staff ‘share their pronouns’ in the application process. For those who decline, the website offers a prompt asking ‘if you would like to reconsider’. If a candidate still doesn’t want to list them, they are asked to ‘tell us why you do not wish to share your pronouns’. The prompt is accompanied by a message: ‘Pronouns are something everyone has; they are words like he, she or they, which you want people to use when referring to you. At St John Ambulance, we do not assume or guess what someone’s pronouns are based on their name or appearance. ‘Giving your pronouns below helps the people who look at your application show their respect for you and others. ‘St John Ambulance wants everyone to feel included.’ Helen Joyce, of human rights campaign group Sex Matters, said: ‘This feels like an opportunistic way to “educate” unsuspecting people that socalled gender identity matters more than sex, and toes close to the line in terms of compelled belief. ‘It is comparable to asking an applicant to state their religious beliefs and if they chose not to answer, attempting to convince them of the merits of faith while urging them to reconsider. ‘The message is both patronising and hostile to applicants who hold gender-critical views, which polls suggest is the vast majority of the UK population, and is totally unsuitable as part of any recruitment process.’ St John Ambulance said: ‘As an organisation, it’s important to us to promote the correct usage of pronouns as part of being as inclusive as possible. We try to create opportunities for people to share their correct pronouns where we can.’ It came as it was reported that NHS staff were set to be asked if they identified as ‘greyromantic’, ‘abrosexual’ or as ‘endosex’ in a survey which was not signed off by bosses. The woke questionnaire aimed at LGBT staff sought information about health workers’ ‘current sex’ and what ‘umbrella would your romantic orientation fall under’. Details of the poll were leaked to The Daily Telegraph. Writer Kathleen Stock, who is a codirector of The Lesbian Project, said it was a ‘bats*** survey’. LGB Alliance chief executive Kate Barker said it was ‘infantile, meaningless, and insulting’. She added: ‘This kind of nonsense is a perfect example of why LGB people want to organise on the basis of sexuality, not identity.’ An NHS England spokesman said: ‘This is not an NHS England-approved survey.’ ‘Patronising and hostile’ Article Name:St John Ambulance tells job applicants to share their chosen pronouns Publication:Daily Mail Author:By Alex Ward Social Affairs Correspondent Start Page:17 End Page:17

The Trans Agenda #20 Legal loser tries again as GCs attack St Johns ambulance

The Trans Agenda #20 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...

The Trans Agenda #22 – 4 days, 3 papers, 20 anti-trans articles

News you need, the perspective you won't find anywhere else. The trans community's guide to UK news, media and politics and our place in it.
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The Trans Agenda #3 6 March 2024

Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that arrives in your inbox Monday to Friday at 10am if you are subscribed. You can also...