A photo of Helen Joyce during a speaking event. Helen Joyce reads porn of teenagers for "research".

Sex Matters Director Helen Joyce reads porn of teenagers for “research”

Sex Matters is an organisation ran by Maya Forstater and Helen Joyce who campaign against transgender equality under the guise of safeguarding women and children. A tagline I find hilarious in the light of the admission that Helen Joyce reads porn of teenagers.
An employee badge attached to a blue blazer. It shows the Halifax logo and reads "Gemma she/her/hers"

Trans people sacrificed by the media to cover up Boris Johnson’s BJ

Mainstream media sources have focused on Halifax's decision to give its staff the option to include pronouns on their badges, at the height of a sex scandal involving the Prime Minister; Boris Johnson

Keir Starmer is blowing it in his chase for right-wing votes

For the longest time, I wasn’t sure what to make of Keir Starmer. Turns out, my first impression that he seemed like a 6ft...
An example of a chest binder, almost certainly not the one offered by Mermaids UK

Mermaids UK criticised by British media (and JK Rowling) for giving chest binder to...

Children's charity and parental support group Mermaids UK have come under fire from the usual transphobic suspects trying to demonise any and all support for trans youth. This time over the use and support of teens using a chest binder. JK Rowling was there too, in case you cared.
summarise from a pro trans perspective and explain why this is unworkable - Tories to allow ban on trans women in single-sex spaces The Guardian3 Jun 2024Jessica Elgot Deputy political editor Kemi Badenoch has said the Conservatives will change the Equality Act to rewrite the definition of sex and allow organisations to bar trans women from single-sex spaces, including hospital wards and sports events. The party will make clear that the protected characteristic of sex means biological sex, enabling those who wish to bar male-bodied people from organisations or activities to do so. The minister for women and equalities said: “Whether it is rapists being housed in women’s prisons, or instances of men playing in women’s sports where they have an unfair advantage, it is clear that public authorities and regulatory bodies are confused about what the law says on sex and gender and when to act – often for fear of being accused of transphobia, or not being inclusive.” Last year, Badenoch asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission to advise on the change. The equalities watchdog said the new definition would make it possible to exclude trans people from same-sex spaces even if they hold a gender recognition certificate. The law will still protect against discrimination based on the status of gender reassignment, the Conservatives said. The party also said it would change the law to make gender recognition a reserved matter that only the UK government could legislate on, a reaction to the row over the Scottish gender recognition bill, which was blocked by Westminster. Announcing the change, Rishi Sunak said that he wanted to enshrine the right to single-sex spaces in law. “The safety of women and girls is too important to allow the current confusion around definitions of sex and gender to persist,” he said. Sunak and the Conservatives have used gender and trans rights as a key plank of their election strategy against Labour and Keir Starmer. Article Name:Tories to allow ban on trans women in single-sex spaces Publication:The Guardian Author:Jessica Elgot Deputy political editor Start Page:4 End Page:4

The Trans Agenda #32 Tory cruelty ramps up

The Trans Agenda #31 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...
A photo of a phone being held up and showing the Twitter log on screen to represent the fact that Twitter is censoring trans people.

Posie Parker says #LetWomenSpeak, here’s what 100 women said

This isn't that article, this article is the one where we take Kellie-Jay's advice and we let women speak - but not just the women she personally approves of. I asked on Twitter - selection bias beware - for women to tell me what's important to them. You can find the full thread here and below you can find the first 100 responses.
Official press portrait for Stella Creasy MP. The full image also shows her child in a lil papoose kinda thing. Its cropped out of this one because wider images work better than taller for this purpose but I wanted to put it in the alt text because she's a little bit of a badass and this is my salute to that.

Stella Creasy MP receives transphobic & misogynist backlash for stating the law

According to Stella Creasy and the GRA; you don't need to get surgery in order to have your legal sex changed in the UK. This is all factually true and the result of the law working that way means that yes; some women have penises. You can disagree, you can say you think the law is bad, you can turn yourselves red with rage about it. But nonetheless, as it stands, the law in the UK states that some women have penises - and in a court of law you would not be able to simply ignore that.
The New Women's March logo; three silhouettes of faces overlayed on top of each other and alternating in colours from blue to white and back to blue again. They are meant to represent a diverse selection of women and include different facial features.

New Women’s March Logo has transphobes losing it

The Women's March logo has come under fire from those involved in organising against trans people's equality. This because they've apparently put a man in it, and by which they mean a transgender woman. Hilarity has of course, ensued.
nhs rainbow

Proposed NHS guidance for trans kids puts health of a generation at risk

Even now in 2022 the NHS remains the largest non-military public organisation on earth, with values designed to improve the lives of every single person in the UK… Unless, it seems, you’re transgender.
the trans agenda logo

The Trans Agenda #4 The WPATH files, SEEN not recognised

News you need, the perspective you won't find anywhere else. The trans community's guide to UK news and politics and our place in it.