Media Watch

Trans Writes Media Watch keeps an eye on legacy publishers, mostly right-wing print as the worst culprits, to highlight the misinformation and smear campaigns being spread about trans and non-binary people.

Testosterone for women ‘a life-changer’ James Beal - Social Affairs Editor Researchers are developing the world’s first testosterone patch for women with menopausal symptoms, and the UK could be the first country to test it. Medherant, a company founded by David Haddleton, a professor of chemistry at the University of Warwick, aims to start clinical trials this autumn. If these go well, Haddleton said the potential to improve women’s lives was huge, including helping them with their sex drive — as they cannot be prescribed testosterone for this on the NHS at present. Some instead turn to irregular doses of a gel that is approved only for use onmen, experts say. Testosterone is an essential hormone for women and its production drops heavily after the menopause. Oestrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) patches — which stick to the skin to deliver medications — are available. However, there is no testosterone patch for women suffering with adverse symptoms from the menopause. Professor Haddleton said: “The work we’re doing at Medherant and at Warwick isn’t just theoretical, but instead aimed at a problem women are facing which can drastically affect their everyday lives and jobs. “This could deliver a product that is much needed and is just not available. With the technology already proven to work we can use our new patch to remove needless misery from women’s daily lives. We hope this will transform life for women suffering from postmenopause issues nationally and indeed globally.” Guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in 2015 recommended testosterone supplementation be considered for menopausal women with low sexual desire if HRT alone was not effective. The new patch is intended to address this gap in menopause products and provide treatment for women that can be made widely available.

The Times’ hypocrisy: Testosterone for cis women a “Life-Changer” but poison for trans people?

Times' hypocrisy: praises testosterone patch for menopausal women, yet demonises its use for trans people. Question media's double standards.

Christine Jardine stands up for Trans Rights in heated debate with Julia Hartley-Brewer

Liberal Democrat MP Christine Jardine recently demonstrated her commitment to trans rights in a heated debate with TalkRadio's Julia Hartley-Brewer. The debate was centered around the issue of trans prisoners and the treatment of trans individuals in the criminal justice system.
Kathleen Stock in the Times

The Trans Agenda #24 – Cass fightback begins and the bigots don’t like it

The Trans Agenda #24 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
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4 anti-trans articles in Sunday Telegraph

The Sunday Telegraph love their anti-trans content and this week they've produced four pieces from Ewan Somerville, David Spencer, Edward Malnick and, of course, Hayley Dixon as usual.
trans writes trans media watch

An open letter to James O’Brien about trans people

Dear James, Perhaps you would indulge me here a little as I try to guide you on an issue you seem to be having some problems with – the ‘transgender debate’.
stonewall complaint rejected

The Trans Agenda #30 – New Deputy in Scotland, Stonewall’s setback, and UK billboards...

The Trans Agenda #30 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...
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The Trans Agenda #8 Widespread glee over trans kid cruelty

The Trans Agenda #8 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...
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Daily Telegraph mislead with headline about Mermaids as smear continues

As part of their ongoing Mermaids smear campaign, the Daily Telegraph have produced yet another misleading headline and article as they attempt to pressure the Prime Minister and police into opening an investigation.
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The Trans Agenda #29 The papers: 34 articles, no trans voices

The Trans Agenda #29 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...
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The Trans Agenda #7 Prison for providing trans healthcare in the UK?

The Trans Agenda #7 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday morning if you are subscribed....