Media Watch

Trans Writes Media Watch keeps an eye on legacy publishers, mostly right-wing print as the worst culprits, to highlight the misinformation and smear campaigns being spread about trans and non-binary people.

BBC attempt to launder reputation of Graham Linehan of Graham Linehan; the image shows the BBC log on a curved red-brick wall.

BBC call transphobic letter a ‘report’

When is a report not a report? When it's a letter seen by a transphobic journalist at the BBC.
2 pages from the Daily Mail on "JK Rowling and the female feud tearing the literati apart"

Trans people do nothing, media blames them anyway: The week in trans 21/08/22

The biggest story that got most people talking in Trans Land this week featured JK Rowling and absolutely no trans people, again.
Grhama Norton in the Sunday Times, 18/09/22

Graham Norton: JK Rowling ‘enjoys’ fighting on Twitter

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Graham Norton said that he believes JK Rowling enjoys fighting on Twitter after comments she made to him.
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The Trans Agenda #7 Prison for providing trans healthcare in the UK?

The Trans Agenda #7 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday morning if you are subscribed....