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The Trans Agenda #2 5 March 2024

News you need, the perspective you won't find anywhere else. The trans community's guide to UK news and politics and our place in it.
Mridul Wadhwa quit as CEO of ERCC; An example of women being bullied out of work; Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre director Mridul Wadhwa photo by Adam Ramsay of OpenDemocracy

Mridul Wadhwa quit Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre after sustained anti-trans campaign against her

Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre CEO Mridul Wadhwa quit her position after a sustained attack by anti-trans campaigners lasting several years. This also follows the release of an independent report commissioned by Rape Crisis Scotland (RCS) written by Vicky Ling which people in the trans community are finding questionable to say the least.
A photo of Arthur Webber, captain of the first all trans masc football team in Europe with the ball. Photo by Lucy Copsey (@lucycopsey_98 on Twitter)

All trans masc football team; “we made history here”

"As I led the first ever all trans masc football team in Europe onto that pitch to thunderous applause, all my worries melted away. It didn’t matter what the score was; it didn’t matter if I left the field covered in mud and smelling like the Year 9 boys PE changing room. We made history here."
BBC attempt to launder reputation of Graham Linehan of Graham Linehan; the image shows the BBC log on a curved red-brick wall.

BBC’s obfuscation of transphobia in social media toxicity study

The BBC's obfuscation of transphobia has reached a new low with a report on social media toxicity. The report has allegedly been censored in "real time" to obfuscate transphobia, with the article also failing to mention transphobia's contribution to the figures - amongst other issues.

Keir Starmer is blowing it in his chase for right-wing votes

For the longest time, I wasn’t sure what to make of Keir Starmer. Turns out, my first impression that he seemed like a 6ft...
An image of Dunnottar Castle in Scotland. A coastal castle on the very edge of a cliff.

Scotland Announces GRA Reform Proposal

It removes the need to have anything signed off by a doctor, it opens it up to 16 year olds and the wait is cut down significantly from 2 years to 3 months. Though it is still an arbitrary wait nonetheless which could certainly be improved by simply not existing at all.
An image of Graham Norton gesturing towards a trans flag that I photoshopped in in place of Joan Collins who was originally on stage with him. This to represent the comments which have led to Graham Norton's Twitter being deactivated.

Graham Norton’s Twitter account deactivated following transphobic backlash

Graham Norton's Twitter account has been deactivated following transphobic backlash due to comments he gave during an interview regarding the ongoing "trans debate."
trans talking points

Trans talking points: Bailey, Joyce + more

As it has been very quiet in the papers since the death of the world's largest landowner, I thought it a good idea to...
Screenshot of Viktor Hargreeves (Elliot Page) in The Umbrella Academy Season 3; with the cheesiest happiest grin you ever did see

Elliot Page and undeniable Trans Joy; The Umbrella Academy Season 3

The world is not kind to trans people right now. From news to opinion pieces to comedy specials, it can feel like we’re in our own form of an apocalypse. But we can learn from Elliot Page and from Viktor, and not let that stop us from finding our authenticity and those moments of joy.