A photo of Arthur Webber, captain of the first all trans masc football team in Europe with the ball. Photo by Lucy Copsey (@lucycopsey_98 on Twitter)

All trans masc football team; “we made history here”

"As I led the first ever all trans masc football team in Europe onto that pitch to thunderous applause, all my worries melted away. It didn’t matter what the score was; it didn’t matter if I left the field covered in mud and smelling like the Year 9 boys PE changing room. We made history here."
Press photo of Kemi Badenoch,, who likened trans people to a disease and is a candidate in the tory leadership race and who knew of LGB Alliance's anti-trans lobbying before meeting with them

Kemi Badenoch likened trans people to a disease in Parliament

In the middle of a Parliamentary committee Kemi Badenoch likened trans people to a disease and then immediately tried to pretend she didn't. Clips of the outbust have been circulating online with the trans community sharing their outrage - we should be angry, I just don't think Badenoch is really the right target for this one.
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The Trans Agenda #16 Protests and police pepper spray

The Trans Agenda #16 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...
A photo of some books on some bookshelves to represent The Bookseller for promoting anti-trans social media accounts

Enraged industry professionals slam The Bookseller for promoting anti-trans social media accounts

The Bookseller is a magazine focusing on the publishing sector. Owned by The Stage Media Company Ltd, it serves as the only paper magazine reporting on UK publishing. Industry professionals are slamming The Bookseller for promoting anti-trans social media accounts via its website
A picture of the welcome to England sign on the Scottish English border but has been edited to ask people to have their gender ready for inspection. A meme created to make fun of England's reaction to Scottish gender reforms

Why the UK Government will fail to undermine Scottish gender reforms; even if it...

On the 22nd of December, after 7 years of intense toxic debate, the Scottish Parliament finally voted through the Gender Recognition Reforms bill. Since then the UK Government has outlined two plans to undermine Scottish gender reforms. Both plans have massive ramifications and will fail.
A landscape image of the House of Parliament in London on a Sunny day, taken from Westminster Bridge where the Equality Act was debated

Equality Act and the awful anti-trans debate in UK Parliament

On Monday 12 June, MPs met in Westminster Hall for a three hour debate on the definition of sex in the Equality Act 2010. A contentious debate that had been bubbling up for several months. Moss writes;
Press photo of Rishi Sunak. Sunak and Starmer clashed today over transphobia in Parliament

Sunak and Starmer clash over transphobic remarks in Parliament

In today's Prime Minister's questions Sunak and Starmer have clashed after the Prime Minister took a jab at the leader of the opposition for...
A photo of a pen and a stethoscope on a medical chart to represent The Cass Review

The 32 things The Cass Review recommends and why they are concerning

The Cass Review has now been released in full and has already attracted widespread condemnation from women’s, LGBTQIA+ and other equality focused groups. The document makes 32 recommendations and in this piece we take a little tour around what is recommended by The Cass Review.
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The Trans Agenda #36 Sinn Fein under attack

The Trans Agenda #36 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also read it on Substack and...

#TransAwarenessWeek: Trans rage and why it’s necessary

Our first #TransAwarenessWeek piece is from Carrie Marshall who writes on the need for trans rage after our community was deliberately held back by societies and governments.