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The Trans Agenda #2 5 March 2024

News you need, the perspective you won't find anywhere else. The trans community's guide to UK news and politics and our place in it.
A wide shot of JK Rowling reading from The Sorcerer's Stone in The White House Gardens

JK Rowling’s horrific claim that trans women “retain male pattern criminality”

This transphobic disinformation has been floating around for many years now and has been debunked repeatedly. Despite this it persists as a quasi-religious belief amongst transphobes such as JK Rowling who repeated the claim on Twitter.
JK Rowling smiling at the crowd during her book reading at the white house in 2010. JK Rowling Should Go To Prison.

JK Rowling should go to prison; inside propaganda

The anti-trans crusade wages on in the media with multiple different talk shows having shimed in to debate whether JK Rowling should go to prison. This following a misleading story in the Daily Mail.
Testosterone for women ‘a life-changer’ James Beal - Social Affairs Editor Researchers are developing the world’s first testosterone patch for women with menopausal symptoms, and the UK could be the first country to test it. Medherant, a company founded by David Haddleton, a professor of chemistry at the University of Warwick, aims to start clinical trials this autumn. If these go well, Haddleton said the potential to improve women’s lives was huge, including helping them with their sex drive — as they cannot be prescribed testosterone for this on the NHS at present. Some instead turn to irregular doses of a gel that is approved only for use onmen, experts say. Testosterone is an essential hormone for women and its production drops heavily after the menopause. Oestrogen and progesterone hormone replacement therapy (HRT) patches — which stick to the skin to deliver medications — are available. However, there is no testosterone patch for women suffering with adverse symptoms from the menopause. Professor Haddleton said: “The work we’re doing at Medherant and at Warwick isn’t just theoretical, but instead aimed at a problem women are facing which can drastically affect their everyday lives and jobs. “This could deliver a product that is much needed and is just not available. With the technology already proven to work we can use our new patch to remove needless misery from women’s daily lives. We hope this will transform life for women suffering from postmenopause issues nationally and indeed globally.” Guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in 2015 recommended testosterone supplementation be considered for menopausal women with low sexual desire if HRT alone was not effective. The new patch is intended to address this gap in menopause products and provide treatment for women that can be made widely available.

The Times’ hypocrisy: Testosterone for cis women a “Life-Changer” but poison for trans people?

Times' hypocrisy: praises testosterone patch for menopausal women, yet demonises its use for trans people. Question media's double standards.
My message to LGBTQIA publications; A photo of someone holding a carboard love heart that reads "love trumps hate" at a protest in Washington. Photo by Lorie Shaull via Wikimedia Commons

Why I’m blocking certain LGBTQIA publications

In recent weeks I have seen a lot of really poor content coming out of LGBTQIA publications and so I've made the decision to start blocking them. If you feel the same, feel free to drop this article in their comments sections before you do.
A photo of a pen and a stethoscope on a medical chart to represent The Cass Review

Irresponsible British media reporting incites panic over youth gender clinic replacement

Following the interim Cass report; advice suggested closing Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic for transgender youth and replacing it with regional services. British media have chosen to report on this in the worst way possible and sought comment almost exclusively from anti-trans activists.
Group photo of activists and campaigners for Stonewall mostly dressed in Stonewall red t-shirts which read phrases such as “Some people are gay, get over it” and so forth. There are also many, many signs and rainbows. Wholesome.

What is “Stonewall Law”?

Today it’s the largest LGBTQIA+ charity in Europe, so it’s no surprise it’s become the target of European queerphobia.
A picture of Ana Kasparian speaking at an event and gesturing with her hands

Ana Kasparian; person who menstruates of the year award!

There are some fierce contenders in this year's round-up of people who menstruate being absolutely completely and utterly normal about that fact. Today we honour Ana Kasparian who launched her bid to win the award via Twitter last night.
The Scottish Parliament debating chamber where Scottish GRA reform was recently debated. Where Scottish Parliament public gallery kicked off and where Scottish Gender Recognition Reform bill was passed.

Scottish Parliament public gallery kicks off over GRR ammendment defeat

As we hear arguments for and against ammendments for the Gender Recognition Reform bill and the ultimate decision on whether it will pass; the Scottish Parliament public gallery has kicked off.
Press photo of Kemi Badenoch,, who likened trans people to a disease and is a candidate in the tory leadership race and who knew of LGB Alliance's anti-trans lobbying before meeting with them

Kemi Badenoch likened trans people to a disease in Parliament

In the middle of a Parliamentary committee Kemi Badenoch likened trans people to a disease and then immediately tried to pretend she didn't. Clips of the outbust have been circulating online with the trans community sharing their outrage - we should be angry, I just don't think Badenoch is really the right target for this one.