Owen Jones speaking at Policy Exchange in 2013

Owen Jones faces harassment via transphobic Twitter mob

Owen Jones criticised the original piece for having not done journalistic due diligence of including comment from the school or those accused of allegedly having ousted this 18 year old from sixth-form for being transphobic, who I remind you are students at an all girls school and sixth-form. He asked for someone from that school to reach out with comment or statement. Not least due to the fact that The Times have had to issue multiple corrections for poor journalistic practice in the past, including on trans issues in particular.
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The Trans Agenda #2 5 March 2024

News you need, the perspective you won't find anywhere else. The trans community's guide to UK news and politics and our place in it.
An image taken inside of a prison showing barred walls looking over a common area. This to illustrate the story surrounding transgender rapists like Isla Bryson and the smear being led by Scottish Tories in the press currently

Everything you need to know about Isla Bryson, Transgender Rapists and a disgusting smear...

Isla Bryson and a handful of other transgender rapists have become major talking points in anti-trans rhetoric led by Scottish Tories who oppose the...
A landscape image of the House of Parliament in London on a Sunny day, taken from Westminster Bridge where the Equality Act was debated

Equality Act and the awful anti-trans debate in UK Parliament

On Monday 12 June, MPs met in Westminster Hall for a three hour debate on the definition of sex in the Equality Act 2010. A contentious debate that had been bubbling up for several months. Moss writes;