daily mail shame of the trans medics

The Trans Agenda #23 – Relentless attacks on trans people dominates all media

The Trans Agenda #23 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
Tavistock clinic; where healthcare for young trans people is supposed to take place

The lies surrounding healthcare for young trans people have gone on for too long;...

On healthcare for young trans people; There is no magical moment at which a child becomes an adult. No single instant at which we may safely declare that a young person has exited adolescence, and is fully equipped to enter the world of mortgage stress, Saturday morning food shopping and running arguments about the thermostat says Max Morgan
Kathleen Stock in the Times

The Trans Agenda #24 – Cass fightback begins and the bigots don’t like it

The Trans Agenda #24 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
A photo of Steve Barclay MP who announced his intention for the NHS to exclude trans women from female wards

Plan for NHS to exclude trans women likely won’t happen; but it doesn’t need...

The media erupted in a flurry this week as Health Secretary Steve Barclay announced his intention for the NHS to exclude trans women from female wards. Understandably, this has shocked and concerned the trans community.
A photo of a pen and a stethoscope on a medical chart to represent The Cass Review

The 32 things The Cass Review recommends and why they are concerning

The Cass Review has now been released in full and has already attracted widespread condemnation from women’s, LGBTQIA+ and other equality focused groups. The document makes 32 recommendations and in this piece we take a little tour around what is recommended by The Cass Review.
trans news

High suicide risk among transgender elders demands attention

Study reveals high suicidal ideation rates in older transgender adults, highlighting the need for targeted support and resources.

The Trans Agenda #26 Cass backtracks

The Trans Agenda #26 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
trans news

Maui vigil honours lives lost in transgender community

Maui holds a vigil to honor transgender individuals lost to violence, emphasising the importance of awareness and remembrance.
240429 times gender payout

The Trans Agenda #28 More performative cruelty from the government

The Trans Agenda #28 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...
trans news

Transgender Europe report: Urgent need to address trans killings

Report reveals 320 trans and gender-diverse individuals were tragically killed last year, highlighting the urgent need for societal change and protection.