Belfast Pride [copyright Lee Hurley]

80,000 celebrate Belfast Pride as pathetic protests get around 25

Belfast Pride returned this weekend after a three-year absence and it was bigger than ever.  An invading army would have not taken as long to...
trans media watch

Byline Times highlight hidden LGBTQ+ homelessness crisis

Jennie Kermode's article highlights the crisis of LGBTQ+ homelessness in Scotland, with a focus on transgender challenges and the need for inclusive housing solutions.
Soho Square sign surrounded by Trans Pride London signs reaching things like "Trans Rights Now" from a trans rights protest in Westminster

Trans Pride London 2022

To me, the trans community is like a big bag of pick n’ mix – some are sweet, some are sour, some are soft, some are crunchy. We are strawberry laces and chocolate nougat and caramel buttons. Fruity gummy bears and rainbow Skittles. On days like Trans Pride London, surrounded by my family of trans candy; I felt as happy as a kid in a sweet shop.
A photo of a phone being held up and showing the Twitter log on screen to represent the fact that Twitter is censoring trans people.

Posie Parker says #LetWomenSpeak, here’s what 100 women said

This isn't that article, this article is the one where we take Kellie-Jay's advice and we let women speak - but not just the women she personally approves of. I asked on Twitter - selection bias beware - for women to tell me what's important to them. You can find the full thread here and below you can find the first 100 responses.
The Cloudflare logo, an orange cloud with a lens flare shape in its negative space.

Cloudflare finally drops cyberstalking site citing ‘imminent’ threat to life

The ongoing campaign to deplatform cyberstalking website Kiwi Farms led by Clara Sorrenti has had a major success. Cloudflare, who offered security services to the site, have now dropped their protection for it which saw the site go offline for some time.
wpath files

Understanding the “WPATH Files” debate

The biggest ‘story’ doing the rounds at the minute is that anti-trans activists have released a series of documents they call the "WPATH Files" but, as usual, they're nonsense
Hove Women’s RFC – a team now missing a player

RFU transgender rugby ban: All you need to know

Rugby is community, family and recreation, and I never for a moment believed that we would see the governing body of English Rugby, the RFU, instigate a poorly thought through, mishandled, unscientific and exclusionary transgender rugby ban, yet, this is exactly what happened on the 30th July 2022.
A protestor holds up a sign reading "Stop killing my trans siblings" at protests in London following the UK's decision to block Scottish democracy and the passing of their GRA bill. I feel the sentiment applies to NHS England's proposal to ban puberty blockers - Credit to Alisdare Hickson via Wikimedia

NHS England’s proposal to ban puberty blockers for trans youth

NHS England (NHSE) is holding a public consultation on a proposal to ban puberty blockers for transgender children. The consultation is open until November 1st. This article will explain the proposal in some detail with the aim of providing guidance for respondents. It will also explain the general context of NHSE’s treatment of trans patients so allies and activists who are not up to speed on the situation in the UK can understand what is happening and what must be done.
A large black and white logo

Twitch streamer Keffals announces trans charity stream

The line-up for the event is set to have "many more" guests will be revealed as events unfold. Starting 4:00pm EST April 29th and continuing on April 30th 2022 (Which is 8pm in GMT and 9pm in BST.) The fundraiser is ran through the Tiltify program used by creators such as JackSepticEye for his annual #Thankmas campaigns. Keffals has already reached $2,865.11 of her $10,000 goal at time of writing, before the stream has even started!
the trans agenda logo

The Trans Agenda #16 Protests and police pepper spray

The Trans Agenda #16 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...