Suella Braverman says “schools should not pander” to trans children

Put simply; GRC or not, the law states that discrimination against transgender people is not lawful in the vast majority of circumstances. (Which I only add because single-sex exemptions exist, but have never been tested in law)

Stella Creasy MP receives transphobic & misogynist backlash for stating the law

According to Stella Creasy and the GRA; you don't need to get surgery in order to have your legal sex changed in the UK. This is all factually true and the result of the law working that way means that yes; some women have penises. You can disagree, you can say you think the law is bad, you can turn yourselves red with rage about it. But nonetheless, as it stands, the law in the UK states that some women have penises - and in a court of law you would not be able to simply ignore that.

As a nonbinary person “I watched in horror” during Parliament’s nonbinary legal recognition debate

The untold damage to the psyche of those of us in the Section 28 Generation has yet to be genuinely explored; but it might explain why many of us in the 35-50 age bracket who now understand ourselves to be nonbinary watched in horror as the parliamentary “debate” on nonbinary recognition unfolded. A ghostly recreation of the ignorance, dismissiveness, whataboutery and speculative fiction that led so many of us to be left without any guidance or support in the 80s; let alone reassurances that there was nothing wrong with us. 

UK Government debates non-binary legal recognition, sort of

So they sort-of debated the idea of non-binary representation, but mostly didn't. Instead opting to just do fearmongering and spread hateful rhetoric through parliament. Democracy! The whole thing wraps up with them patting themselves on the back for a job well done and deciding not to move forwards with any plans to include non-binary people in our legal system.

“I was not protected from sexism” a trans man talks about his experience of...

I do not care to weigh in on the discourse surrounding single-sex schools in general, but I am telling you that in my experience at an all-girlls school I was not protected from sexism, gender conformity, or transness (even before this became the boogeyman in the UK). Teaching LGBTQIA+ topics is an absolute must in helping equip students to understand and protect themselves from the experiences such as mine.

BBC continues to help manufacture transphobic culture war over sports

Fairness in sports is important, but it will never be achieved through bigoted nonsense like the kind advanced by the BBC in this piece. I would say the BBC should know better, but we already know it doesn't. Its happy to join the bandwagon of anti-trans sensationalism for the sake of a few clicks. You know, the usual horrific bigot crap our community has come to expect from media giants around the world.

Dennis Noel Kavanagh suspended from Twitter after violent anti-trans rant

Writing to "Stonewall, Mermaids and all your friends" Kavanagh says he "means this" before showing a tweet he had made previously which is just violent threats all the way through. Quote; "I will fucking nail you to a wall what you have done to these innocent children. Your mutilation of these little humand because they were gay will be nothing compared to what I will do to you legally. You think you are ghouls wait till I deal with you bastard and I mean to", but in all caps.

JK Rowling breaks silence on Roe vs Wade, with transphobia

There have already been attempts from transphobes to blame this on trans people. We have seen comments wherein people take aim at gender neutral language, such as "people who can get pregnant". The argument being that not using the word "woman" has made things more difficult, confusing and harder to argue. However I haven't used the word "woman" in this piece even once, and don't plan to. It's not only women who require access to abortions and abortions should be accessible for all those who need them.

The UK has (at least) four new transgender councillors!

Dylan Tippetts for Compton in Plymouth, Kira Lewis for Higham Hill in Waltham Forest, Isla Wrathmell for Vauxhall in London's Lambeth, and Elaine Gallagher in Glasgow were all successful in the vote, earning their place on their local councils.

Allison Bailey: “I do not identify as a lesbian, I am a lesbian”

This is important because if its true that women are more likely to be gender critical then it would support the claim of indirect discrimination based on sex and sexuality, which is what Bailey alleges happened. However the barristers supporting the defendants, Garden Court Chambers and Stonewall UK, were very quick to shut this idea down. Not only citing polls which disprove that anti-trans views are more common amongst women, such as one by YouGov, which aren't hampered by the selection bias of dedicated anti-trans groups. But also with a thorough cross-examination of supporting evidence too.
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