Helldivers 2 queerphobia & why we need Pride capes

Helldivers 2 is incredible. There are no two ways about that; it is the perfect blend of epic, chaotic, frenzied insanity and cool, calm and collected tactical thinking. All set across gorgeous landscapes with absolutely beautiful lightning effects. But we have to talk about the Helldivers 2 queerphobia problem.

The Trans Agenda #33 Kemi Badenoch delivers a trans smoking gun

The Trans Agenda #33 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...

The Trans Agenda #32 Tory cruelty ramps up

The Trans Agenda #31 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...

RCPsych’s Lenny Cornwall called me toxic and abusive after implying a legal threat against...

RCPsych's Lenny Cornwall quote tweeted support of an article in the BMJ by Margaret McCartney taking a favourable view of The Cass Review. I described McCartney as a bigot which has subsequently led Cornwall to suggest I'm being toxic whilst implying legal action against me. He also suggests that I'm engaging in abuse and making it so there's no discussion.

Trans people are the greatest assault on women in JK Rowling’s life time, apparently

In yet another bigoted outburst on Twitter the Harry Potter author has now stated that trans people are the greatest assault on women in JK Rowling's life time. All while signal boosting literal fascists who oppose basic bodily autonomy for said women. Amazing, honestly.

Cowardly bully Victoria Atkins MP banned puberty blockers as Parliament dissolves

In a move she has described as "bold", Victoria Atkins MP banned puberty blockers literally a day before Parliament's scheduled suspension for the General Election. Meaning Parliamentary opposition will be near impossible.

UK’s private gender clinics; a guide to getting on hormones

Healthcare for transgender and gender diverse people in the UK right now is a battlefield and amidst the smoke, dust and debris it can be very difficult to find one's way out of no mans land. Even the UK's private gender clinics are no guarantee, Eli Cugini writes;

Do Labour really want to update gender-ID law?

On Monday, The Times lead story was “Labour plan for gender change to be made easier”. On Tuesday, they followed that up with a Labour denial. So, was this one of the Labour Party’s fastest u-turns under Keir Starmer or was The Times up to mischief?

The Trans Agenda #31 Labour’s Gender ID change

The Trans Agenda #31 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...

Life in Thailand made it harder for me to come out as trans

The western world has a perception of our Southeast Asian country as very progressive and LGBTQIA+ friendly. I suppose there is some truth in that.  We even recently passed a marriage equality bill! But life in Thailand as a transgender lesbian woman doesn't actually match up to that idealised view.
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