Tag: Telegraph

240429 times gender payout

The Trans Agenda #28 More performative cruelty from the government

The Trans Agenda #28 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...
Mahmood supports Rowling

The Trans Agenda #27 – Labour Justice Secretary backs JK Rowling

The Trans Agenda #27 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
Kathleen Stock in the Times

The Trans Agenda #24 – Cass fightback begins and the bigots don’t like it

The Trans Agenda #24 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
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The Trans Agenda #17 Anti-trans activists say women are rubbish at sport

The Trans Agenda #17 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...
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The Trans Agenda #2 5 March 2024

News you need, the perspective you won't find anywhere else. The trans community's guide to UK news and politics and our place in it.
A photo of a pen and a stethoscope on a medical chart to represent The Cass Review

Irresponsible British media reporting incites panic over youth gender clinic replacement

Following the interim Cass report; advice suggested closing Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic for transgender youth and replacing it with regional services. British media have chosen to report on this in the worst way possible and sought comment almost exclusively from anti-trans activists.
Various coloured pills on a table, meant to represent medication or in this case bridging hormones. Source; MorgueFile

Bridging hormones; why do transphobes want you furious about it?

Attempting to manufacture yet more anti-trans panic, The Telegraph ran a story regarding 'bridging hormones', which is short for a doctor prescribing you medication for harm reduction purposes. According to The Telegraph this basic harm reduction strategy is bad, because transgender.