Tag: Stonewall

stonewall complaint rejected

The Trans Agenda #30 – New Deputy in Scotland, Stonewall’s setback, and UK billboards...

The Trans Agenda #30 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...

The Trans Agenda #29 NHS betrays trans kids again

The Trans Agenda #29 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...
Humza Yousaf leaning on a railing by a beach

Humza Yousaf resigns, refuses to sacrifice trans people to save himself

On Monday afternoon, an emotional Humza Yousaf resigned as leader of the SNP and, therefore First Minister of Scotland, as trans people lost another...
A photo of Baroness Kishwer Falkner in a brown jacket against a grey gradient background

EHRC chair feels sorry for herself

Kishwer Falkner, the head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), gave an interview to the Sunday Telegraph this weekend that, on the surface, looked to be about migrants and integration, but, of course, things are never what they seem with this lot.
A photo of Allison Bailey

Allison Bailey’s embarrassing loss to Stonewall UK

Framing, its fun for all the family! The result of the Allison Bailey tribunal is out and transphobes are already claiming a win, with Allison herself having repeatedly posted the hashtag #AllisonBaileyWins.
Photo of a Stonewall UK march during 2010 Pride in London

Stonewall UK issue statement regarding 5 days of transphobic backlash

Stonewall UK have issued a statement regarding a recent and still ongoing transphobic backlash that has seen hashtags like #StonewallOut trending for multiple days.
Press Photo of Mike Freer MP

Equalities Minister Mike Freer’s bumbling resignation as UK Government collapses

I see this for what it is, a cynical political move designed to support the (now successful) ousting of a crap Prime Minister by those like Mike Freer. It has nothing to do with constituents, supporters, LGBT+ people, diversity or Margaret Thatcher's evil bones. It has everything to do with playing the game and making sure there's still a Tory party after the end of all this scandal. All so they can all keep their nice cushy jobs blowing smoke up each other's arses and paying lip-service to their job titles.
A photograph from a protest in support of trans liberation showing hundreds if not thousands of supporters.

Trans Activism UK’s #NotSafeToBeMe protest & how to take part

As it stands, the government have made the UK unsafe for anyone to be themselves. Due to this, Trans Activism UK will be protesting at Parliament Square on Wednesday 29th of June at 12PM. Join us."
Owen Jones speaking at Policy Exchange in 2013

Owen Jones faces harassment via transphobic Twitter mob

Owen Jones criticised the original piece for having not done journalistic due diligence of including comment from the school or those accused of allegedly having ousted this 18 year old from sixth-form for being transphobic, who I remind you are students at an all girls school and sixth-form. He asked for someone from that school to reach out with comment or statement. Not least due to the fact that The Times have had to issue multiple corrections for poor journalistic practice in the past, including on trans issues in particular.
A photo of a phone being held up and showing the Twitter log on screen to represent the fact that Twitter is censoring trans people.

Dennis Noel Kavanagh suspended from Twitter after violent anti-trans rant

Writing to "Stonewall, Mermaids and all your friends" Kavanagh says he "means this" before showing a tweet he had made previously which is just violent threats all the way through. Quote; "I will fucking nail you to a wall what you have done to these innocent children. Your mutilation of these little humand because they were gay will be nothing compared to what I will do to you legally. You think you are ghouls wait till I deal with you bastard and I mean to", but in all caps.