Tag: Sajid Javid
The 8 contenders of the Tory leadership race; who is best for transgender people?
If you are transgender and despaired at reading all this, I can only apologise. However, as a community, we will get through it. We are being made the focus of the tory leadership race to distract from the real societal problems such as the cost of living crisis because they have no solutions. The Conservatives have been in power for over a decade, these issues are of their own making. Transgender people existed long before they were elected, and we’ll be around after they leave government. We will win.
UK Health Secretary, Sajid Javid; “it’s important that words like women and men are...
The fact that transgender men and nonbinary people exist (and in the case of the former can have legal recognition of that fact) is enough to warrant the use of inclusive language. It's not about beliefs or about ideologies, its about ensuring that people get the care they need and that requires going beyond primitive views of 'basic biology'.
Sajid Javid: “biological sex matters”, but does it?
Of course, sex matters - but is the view of sex that transphobes want to uphold as an avenue to do transphobia through worth protecting? No. Not in the slightest. Which is why even despite trans people being positioned as believing sex doesn't matter via their rhetoric, you will still find trans people on the front lines of so many of the causes we're told can only be fought for via a trans exclusionary, strict and rigid view of sex as a binary system.
Sajid Javid says NHS treatment for trans children ‘borders on ideological’
Sajid Javid claims that the interim findings of a report by a top paediatrician into NHS treatment for transgender kids backs up the worst...