Society of Authors mobbed by transphobes over disability support

The Society of Authors posted a tweet which included the phrase "self-identified" in relation to disability. Transphobes, who have been trained to view the phrase as negative, reacted badly.

LGB Alliance confirm 55 Tufton Street address

In my post about the initial Ofcom letter that revealed the LGB Alliance receive post at 55 Tufton Street, I said the obvious assumption was that somebody based at 55 Tufton Street was trying to use their considerable influence to help them get a meeting with Ofcom.

The Trans Agenda #5 Labour make trans pledges but will it keep them?

The Trans Agenda #5 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday at 10am if you are...

Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill; 1 month on

The Scottish Gender Recognition Reform bill was debated and voted on about a month ago - give or take a day or two. It passed with a majority of 88 to 33 votes and it's been a hell of a month since.

Fanfiction was my gay-girl-to-gay-guy pipeline, and I’m proud of it

Smutty BL fanfiction was at the heart of me coming into my transness - and I’m proud of it.

The Times’ hypocrisy: Testosterone for cis women a “Life-Changer” but poison for trans people?

Times' hypocrisy: praises testosterone patch for menopausal women, yet demonises its use for trans people. Question media's double standards.

Allison Bailey; why did the judge ignore her cotton ceiling accusation?

During the Allison Bailey tribunal we heard a lot about "The cotton ceiling". Which is a phrase used primarily by anti-trans activists nowadays to frame transgender women in particular as predatory men. This is a deliberately unfair reading meant to monster transgender women.

On visibility; culture specific identities

On #TransDayOfVisibility we wanted to do our extra best to give the spotlight to the least visible members of the transgender and gender diverse communities around the world. Thank you to Michael for reaching out and writing this piece on culture specific identities they titled "What an Indigenous person would like the queer community to know":

The Trans Agenda #29 NHS betrays trans kids again

The Trans Agenda #29 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...

What is a vigil? A letter from Trans Safety Network

Like many trans people recently, researchers at Trans Safety Network have joined with our communities to attend, speak at, and help organise vigils so that we can mark the death of Brianna Ghey, a 16-year-old trans girl from Warrington. The question we hope to answer in this letter is a difficult one - what is a vigil?
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