Where was JK Rowling during #BanConversionTherapy protests?

JK Rowling has begun trending on Twitter in the aftermath of the protest as trans people in particular remember that in June 2020 JK Rowling posted the following tweet; "I respect every trans person's right to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them. I'd march with you if you were discriminated against on the basis of being trans. At the same time, my life has been shaped by being female. I do not believe it's hateful to say so."

Rosie Duffield: [Labour’s] trans policy makes feminists vote Tory

Labour's Rosie Duffield believes that Labour's trans policy is making 'feminists vote Conservative because “we are making complete idiots of ourselves”.

Eden House; Trans Rescue’s safe haven in Kenya attacked, two women injured

Trans Rescue are an organisation who help trans people escape situations and countries where they are not safe. Sadly, their safe haven for trans people, Eden House, was attacked on September 6th during the night.

Survivor’s Network are being sued for trans inclusion

According to its 'about us' section, Survivor's Network was founded in 1990 by a group of female survivors of childhood sexual abuse to provide services that would support other female survivors. They were the first organisation in Brighton and Hove specifically focused on sexual abuse in childhood and the network has "grown considerably, while staying true to their activist roots".

7 of 11 Tory PM candidates are doing lazy transphobia

With former Prime Minister Boris Johnson forced into resigning after countless scandals and horrific behaviours, Tory PM candidates transphobia card is being played by all but one.

JK Rowling selfie attacks Nicola Sturgeon over trans-inclusion

A JK Rowling selfie has become a news item after the Harry Potter author posted one to social media. In which, she is seen wearing a t-shirt targeting Nicola Sturgeon by calling her the "destroyer of women's rights".

Sajid Javid says NHS treatment for trans children ‘borders on ideological’

Sajid Javid claims that the interim findings of a report by a top paediatrician into NHS treatment for transgender kids backs up the worst...

Gender critical cult silent over Mail’s Rayner misogyny and Shriver abuse

Self-declared feminists who are ‘only concerned about women and girls’ have had little-to-nothing to say this week on either the Sunday Mail’s misogynistic hit-piece...

UK LGBTQ+ groups unite in defence of trans people

The UK government's flagship LGBTQ+ conference, 'Safe to be Me' is up in flames after UK LGBTQ+ groups withdrew en masse in protest at...

Anti-trans pressure group founder included on Queen’s honours list

Suffice to say, the rejected honours list is the better company to be in. Abolish the monarchy, happy platinum jubilee!
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