Why the UK Government will fail to undermine Scottish gender reforms; even if it...

On the 22nd of December, after 7 years of intense toxic debate, the Scottish Parliament finally voted through the Gender Recognition Reforms bill. Since then the UK Government has outlined two plans to undermine Scottish gender reforms. Both plans have massive ramifications and will fail.

A Trans Man Walks Into a Gay Bar “is sweet, heartfelt, insightful, a seriously...

A Trans Man Walks Into a Gay Bar: A Journey of Self (and Sexual) Discovery by Harry Nicholas is available to buy now. Elia Cugini writes;

Transgender men’s sleep patterns shift post-hormone therapy

New study reveals transgender men experience altered sleep patterns after starting testosterone, offering insights into hormone effects on sleep.

The Trans Agenda #11 Ferrets, debates, murder, paper obsession & more

The Trans Agenda #11 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...

Scottish GRA reform passes first stage; with 88 to 33 votes

Following a Parliamentary vote yesterday Scottish GRA reform has passed the first stage on its way to becoming law. This includes demedicalising the process, also known as Self-ID.

“I think I might be the penis woman”; a response to absurd Tory councillor’s...

Following a piece by a tory councillor in the Daily Mail who alleges that a trans woman attempted to intimidate her in a bathroom we may have tracked down the so-called "penis woman"! Sophie writes;

Judges rule LGB Alliance to retain charity status

Tribunal Judges Griffin and Neville have ruled on a case regarding a group widely described as an anti-trans hate group who became a charity. Ruling in their favour, LGB Alliance are to retain their charity status.

Brianna Ghey’s murderers given higher minimum sentence due to anti-trans hostility and sadism

Brianna Ghey's murderers have been sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the transgender teenager in February last year. Aggravating factors have increased the minimum sentences to 20 and 22 years for 'Boy Y' and 'Girl X' respectively.

The Trans Agenda #20 Legal loser tries again as GCs attack St Johns ambulance

The Trans Agenda #20 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...

Club Q shooter’s non-binary claim doesn’t stick

After appearing to initially claim to be non-binary, the suspect arrested for the Club Q shooting is now being addressed as 'he' in court.
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