Gemma Stone

Gemma Stone is a transgender writer who has been covering the rise of transphobic hate campaigning in the UK. She has written hundreds of articles dissecting aspects of transphobia including debunking blatant disinformation. She is very tired and trying her best, and hopefully having a positive impact on such a beautiful community.
UK Labour's awful GRC plan. a photo of Keir Starmer at a hustings in 2020. Credit Rwendal via Wikimedia Commons

UK Labour’s awful GRC plan shouldn’t surprise you; they never wanted it to begin with

UK Labour's awful GRC plan has been announced and caused an uproar in the transgender community. After a series of other transphobic outings from the party pegged for Parliament, this move feels very much like the final nail in the coffin for being able to defend them as a queer person.
JK Rowling and the 16 dead children; sceenshot from the game Celeste which shows the character standing atop a mountain next to a monument. The monument reads; "Celeste Mountain, This memorial dedicated to those who perished on the climb".

JK Rowling and the 16 dead children on NHS gender waitlists

For once this article isn't about some horse crap that has fallen from the gob of a billionaire bigot. Sure, JK Rowling is involved and does say some horse crap but the point of this article is really about the media and how they choose to report or not report on things like JK Rowling and the 16 dead children under NHS care.
Helldivers 2 queerphobia; a screenshot of my gameplay in Helldivers 2 showing a desert planet and rocky landscape.

Helldivers 2 queerphobia & why we need Pride capes

Helldivers 2 is incredible. There are no two ways about that; it is the perfect blend of epic, chaotic, frenzied insanity and cool, calm and collected tactical thinking. All set across gorgeous landscapes with absolutely beautiful lightning effects. But we have to talk about the Helldivers 2 queerphobia problem.
A screenshot showing Call of Duty's transgender bullets

Call of Duty’s transgender bullets and anti-trans disinformation

Transphobes have been absolutely losing their crap over a glitch in a video game. Call of Duty's transgender bullets were an obvious mistake but it has served as a leaping off point for bigots to spread disinformation about transgender people.
A screenshot of a document from Royal College of Pyschiatrists where RCPsych's Lenny Cornwall works. The document also includes the code CR181 to identify it. A little easter egg for all my trans friends who have desperately tried to argue with a healthcare professional for basic healthcare.

RCPsych’s Lenny Cornwall called me toxic and abusive after implying a legal threat against...

RCPsych's Lenny Cornwall quote tweeted support of an article in the BMJ by Margaret McCartney taking a favourable view of The Cass Review. I described McCartney as a bigot which has subsequently led Cornwall to suggest I'm being toxic whilst implying legal action against me. He also suggests that I'm engaging in abuse and making it so there's no discussion.
Not the greatest assault on women in JK Rowling's life; a photo of a protest in support of Roe Vs Wade showing signs reading "Keep your religion out of my vagina" and "I am not free while any woman is unfree even when her shackles are very different from my own" a quote by Audre Lorde. Credit: Matt Hrkac via WIkimedia Commons

Trans people are the greatest assault on women in JK Rowling’s life time, apparently

In yet another bigoted outburst on Twitter the Harry Potter author has now stated that trans people are the greatest assault on women in JK Rowling's life time. All while signal boosting literal fascists who oppose basic bodily autonomy for said women. Amazing, honestly.
Official photo of Victoria Atkins. Victoria Atkins MP banned puberty blockers.

Cowardly bully Victoria Atkins MP banned puberty blockers as Parliament dissolves

In a move she has described as "bold", Victoria Atkins MP banned puberty blockers literally a day before Parliament's scheduled suspension for the General Election. Meaning Parliamentary opposition will be near impossible.
A photo of a pen and a stethoscope on a medical chart to represent The Cass Review

The 32 things The Cass Review recommends and why they are concerning

The Cass Review has now been released in full and has already attracted widespread condemnation from women’s, LGBTQIA+ and other equality focused groups. The document makes 32 recommendations and in this piece we take a little tour around what is recommended by The Cass Review.
From left to right the photo is an early 1900s snap of Bernhard Schapiro, Magnus Hirschfeld and Tao Lee. ie the men at the center of why people are accusing JK Rowling of Holocaust denial

Why are people accusing JK Rowling of Holocaust denial?

People are accusing JK Rowling of Holocaust denial after the writer once again found herself at the centre of controversy due to transphobia. In...
New puberty blocker prescriptions from NHS England have been halted. Picture shows an NHS Health Centre in the United Kingdom.

New puberty blocker prescriptions halted by NHS England again

Contrary to most reporting on the subject NHS England has not completely and irrevocably stopped prescribing hormones. New puberty blocker prescriptions have been halted temporarily.