Tag: Stonewall

A photo of Allison Bailey

Allison Bailey: “I do not identify as a lesbian, I am a lesbian”

This is important because if its true that women are more likely to be gender critical then it would support the claim of indirect discrimination based on sex and sexuality, which is what Bailey alleges happened. However the barristers supporting the defendants, Garden Court Chambers and Stonewall UK, were very quick to shut this idea down. Not only citing polls which disprove that anti-trans views are more common amongst women, such as one by YouGov, which aren't hampered by the selection bias of dedicated anti-trans groups. But also with a thorough cross-examination of supporting evidence too.
A photo of Allison Bailey

Allison Bailey’s attempt to sue Stonewall UK; an introduction

Allison Bailey is alleging she was discriminated against by her employers, Garden Court Chambers, and also Stonewall UK. She believes that she has lost work because of Stonewall as she is a critic of 'Stonewall Law'. Which, in short, is the idea that Stonewall are misrepresenting the law, specifically the Equality Act, and disadvantaging cisgender women at the behest of transgender women.
safe to be me

UK LGBTQ+ groups unite in defence of trans people

The UK government's flagship LGBTQ+ conference, 'Safe to be Me' is up in flames after UK LGBTQ+ groups withdrew en masse in protest at...
Group photo of activists and campaigners for Stonewall mostly dressed in Stonewall red t-shirts which read phrases such as “Some people are gay, get over it” and so forth. There are also many, many signs and rainbows. Wholesome.

What is “Stonewall Law”?

Today it’s the largest LGBTQIA+ charity in Europe, so it’s no surprise it’s become the target of European queerphobia.