Tag: Sexual Assault

The Guardian/The Observer building in London, where Nick Cohen has been suspended from. It shows their logos in the window with a bicycle chained to the street sign out front.

Nick Cohen suspension blamed on trans people by The Telegraph

In a piece written for The Telegraph by Ben Woods it is claimed that Nick Cohen has been suspended from The Observer following a trans rights row. Whereas this is chronologically correct, it isn't really the whole story.
Which has the word "Ofcom" sitting on a thick bold underline which changes from burgandy to a dark purple, then a light blue, light green, yellow, orange, pink, a tiny slither of a lighter pink, a red and then purple again. A lot of people are probably about to find out I am terrible at naming colours, but I did this alt-text for you, my screen reading friends :)

My complaint to Ofcom re: ‘that’ BBC article

I am writing to complain about the article originally headlined; "We are being pressured into sex by some trans women". In this letter I intend to set out what my issues with the piece were and how the 'solutions' offered by the BBC's ECU have not at all addressed that problem. The outcome I am searching for is a full retraction and apology for the piece. In my opinion this article does not mean journalistic standards and serves only to elevate gossip of known anti-trans agitators to a position it simply does not belong.