Tag: #SafeToBeMe

A landscape image of the House of Parliament in London on a Sunny day, taken from Westminster Bridge where the Equality Act was debated

“Get on with it”; Arthur Webber on Parliament’s Conversion Therapy Ban debate

The debate was attended by so many, from different parties and nations. Yet all came to the same conclusion: conversion “therapy” is abuse. The overrepresentation of LGB+ MPs (the only openly trans MP, Jamie Wallis, was not present) shows that as much as the media attempt to divide us, we are a united community. 
A photograph from a protest in support of trans liberation showing hundreds if not thousands of supporters.

Trans Activism UK’s #NotSafeToBeMe protest & how to take part

As it stands, the government have made the UK unsafe for anyone to be themselves. Due to this, Trans Activism UK will be protesting at Parliament Square on Wednesday 29th of June at 12PM. Join us."