Tag: Owen Jones
“I was not protected from sexism” a trans man talks about his experience of...
I do not care to weigh in on the discourse surrounding single-sex schools in general, but I am telling you that in my experience at an all-girlls school I was not protected from sexism, gender conformity, or transness (even before this became the boogeyman in the UK). Teaching LGBTQIA+ topics is an absolute must in helping equip students to understand and protect themselves from the experiences such as mine.
Sajid Javid: “biological sex matters”, but does it?
Of course, sex matters - but is the view of sex that transphobes want to uphold as an avenue to do transphobia through worth protecting? No. Not in the slightest. Which is why even despite trans people being positioned as believing sex doesn't matter via their rhetoric, you will still find trans people on the front lines of so many of the causes we're told can only be fought for via a trans exclusionary, strict and rigid view of sex as a binary system.
Owen Jones faces harassment via transphobic Twitter mob
Owen Jones criticised the original piece for having not done journalistic due diligence of including comment from the school or those accused of allegedly having ousted this 18 year old from sixth-form for being transphobic, who I remind you are students at an all girls school and sixth-form. He asked for someone from that school to reach out with comment or statement. Not least due to the fact that The Times have had to issue multiple corrections for poor journalistic practice in the past, including on trans issues in particular.