Tag: Healthcare
Bridging hormones; why do transphobes want you furious about it?
Attempting to manufacture yet more anti-trans panic, The Telegraph ran a story regarding 'bridging hormones', which is short for a doctor prescribing you medication for harm reduction purposes. According to The Telegraph this basic harm reduction strategy is bad, because transgender.
Trans Pride London 2022
To me, the trans community is like a big bag of pick n’ mix – some are sweet, some are sour, some are soft, some are crunchy. We are strawberry laces and chocolate nougat and caramel buttons. Fruity gummy bears and rainbow Skittles.
On days like Trans Pride London, surrounded by my family of trans candy; I felt as happy as a kid in a sweet shop.
Frightening law change; Sajid Javid to invade medical confidentiality for 1000s of children
Articles posted to The Daily Mail and The Times are making claims that Health Secretary Sajid Javid is looking to change the law regarding record keeping for trans patients with the NHS. This is allegedly an attempt to aid in the ongoing Cass Review
Posie Parker says #LetWomenSpeak, here’s what 100 women said
This isn't that article, this article is the one where we take Kellie-Jay's advice and we let women speak - but not just the women she personally approves of. I asked on Twitter - selection bias beware - for women to tell me what's important to them. You can find the full thread here and below you can find the first 100 responses.
Have we got it wrong on dysphoria? Abigail Thorn discusses trans healthcare
I would prefer to centre desire and will when talking about transition. To me, transition is more than meeting a medical need, just like crossing the Rubicon was more than Caesar getting his feet wet. It’s taking your life in your hands and shaping it yourself. I think that’s beautiful. I didn’t transition to “alleviate my dysphoria,” I transitioned because I fucking wanted to. Who is the state, or a doctor, to tell me I can’t?
UK Health Secretary, Sajid Javid; “it’s important that words like women and men are...
The fact that transgender men and nonbinary people exist (and in the case of the former can have legal recognition of that fact) is enough to warrant the use of inclusive language. It's not about beliefs or about ideologies, its about ensuring that people get the care they need and that requires going beyond primitive views of 'basic biology'.
Trans Activism UK’s #NotSafeToBeMe protest & how to take part
As it stands, the government have made the UK unsafe for anyone to be themselves. Due to this, Trans Activism UK will be protesting at Parliament Square on Wednesday 29th of June at 12PM. Join us."