Tag: Geraldine Scott

Helen Joyce Daily Mail article

Do Labour really want to update gender-ID law?

On Monday, The Times lead story was “Labour plan for gender change to be made easier”. On Tuesday, they followed that up with a Labour denial. So, was this one of the Labour Party’s fastest u-turns under Keir Starmer or was The Times up to mischief?
Manager’s job hard enough without Rowling’s gratuitous intrusion Lucy Clark was the first openly transgender referee. She has now been appointed manager of Sutton United’s women’s team. They play in the London and South Regional Women’s Premier Division beside such luminaries as Saltdean United and Dorking Wanderers. And Sutton are fighting relegation. So it’s a big deal for Clark, not so much for football. Yet a supportive tweet from Pride attracted the attention of JK Rowling. “When I was young all the football managers were straight, white, middle-aged blokes,” she wrote. “So it’s fantastic to see how much things have changed.” It felt a little unnecessary. Clark isn’t invading female space because if that’s the case, so is any coach not born female in the women’s game — and nobody complained about Marc Skinner steering Manchester United to the FA Cup. Clark has spoken about football saving her life when she considered suicide, so her involvement has been enormously positive. Rowling took down Scotland’s poorlyconceived gender reform laws in a series of whipsmart social media posts. By contrast, this just seemed gratuitous.

The Trans Agenda #31 Labour’s Gender ID change

The Trans Agenda #31 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...