Ron’s last call: DeSantis drops Presidential bid with Budweiser misquote

Ron De Santis ends his presidential bid with a misquoted Budweiser slogan, after a campaign marked by anti-trans rhetoric and support for Trump.

The Trans Agenda #28 More performative cruelty from the government

The Trans Agenda #28 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday if you are subscribed. You can also...

JK Rowling calls Baroness Emma Nicholson a bigot

Statements like the above truly show the depth of anti-trans conspiracy theory which JK Rowling has allowed herself to fall victm to. But its been noted repeatedly that we probably should have seen the signs coming, not least because of her friendships such as that with the Baroness.

BBC apologises to transphobes for not being transphobic enough

A tweet in which the BBC apologises to transphobes for not being transphobic enough has attracted widespread criticism; "you should be better than this".

JK Rowling’s wacky weekend of transphobic crap

This week has been quite the week for anti-trans activism as Posie Parker visited Australia and New Zealand on her #LetWomenSpeak tour. Culminating in 'sieg heil' Nazis, a tomato sauce incident and JK Rowling's wacky weekend of transphobic lies!

The Trans Agenda 13

The Trans Agenda 13 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...

Club Q shooter’s non-binary claim doesn’t stick

After appearing to initially claim to be non-binary, the suspect arrested for the Club Q shooting is now being addressed as 'he' in court.

The Trans Agenda 14 Badenoch at it again, BBC notice waiting lists + more

The Trans Agenda 14 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...

JK Rowling should go to prison; inside propaganda

The anti-trans crusade wages on in the media with multiple different talk shows having shimed in to debate whether JK Rowling should go to prison. This following a misleading story in the Daily Mail.

All trans masc football team; “we made history here”

"As I led the first ever all trans masc football team in Europe onto that pitch to thunderous applause, all my worries melted away. It didn’t matter what the score was; it didn’t matter if I left the field covered in mud and smelling like the Year 9 boys PE changing room. We made history here."
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