2 trans women sentenced to 5 years in Cameroon

Two transgender women have been sentenced to five years in prison in Cameroon after being convicted of “attempted homosexuality” and “public indecency” as the country continues to crack down on LGBTQ+ people.

The UK has (at least) four new transgender councillors!

Dylan Tippetts for Compton in Plymouth, Kira Lewis for Higham Hill in Waltham Forest, Isla Wrathmell for Vauxhall in London's Lambeth, and Elaine Gallagher in Glasgow were all successful in the vote, earning their place on their local councils.

Survivor’s Network are being sued for trans inclusion

According to its 'about us' section, Survivor's Network was founded in 1990 by a group of female survivors of childhood sexual abuse to provide services that would support other female survivors. They were the first organisation in Brighton and Hove specifically focused on sexual abuse in childhood and the network has "grown considerably, while staying true to their activist roots".

Rosie Duffield: [Labour’s] trans policy makes feminists vote Tory

Labour's Rosie Duffield believes that Labour's trans policy is making 'feminists vote Conservative because “we are making complete idiots of ourselves”.

Scottish prison bosses to give quarterly updates on transgender populations

Prison bosses in Scotland have said they will give quarterly updates on transgender populations. A report in the Times noted that "as of January, there...

Attacks on LGBTQIA+ children target ‘safe exit’ buttons

We don't have a quick escape-feature built into TransWrites.World currently, however you can easily emulate this for yourself with shortcuts. For example in Firefox browser the shortcut to close a window or tab is 'ctrl+W'. Combine this with browsing sites you want privacy for with most modern browsers' inbuilt privacy feature (ctrl+shift+p or right click -> "open in private new window" in Firefox) and presto! You have exactly what is offered by The Trevor Project on every web page in existence.

Twitch streamer Keffals announces trans charity stream

The line-up for the event is set to have "many more" guests will be revealed as events unfold. Starting 4:00pm EST April 29th and continuing on April 30th 2022 (Which is 8pm in GMT and 9pm in BST.) The fundraiser is ran through the Tiltify program used by creators such as JackSepticEye for his annual #Thankmas campaigns. Keffals has already reached $2,865.11 of her $10,000 goal at time of writing, before the stream has even started!

JK Rowling calls Baroness Emma Nicholson a bigot

Statements like the above truly show the depth of anti-trans conspiracy theory which JK Rowling has allowed herself to fall victm to. But its been noted repeatedly that we probably should have seen the signs coming, not least because of her friendships such as that with the Baroness.

Tory candidate who compared trans people to Nazis suspended from party

"We have received multiple complaints regarding online posts from two members, one of whom is standing in current elections for committee. Separately, we have been informed by Conservative Central Office, having received similar complaints, both these members have been suspended from the Conservative Party."

JK Rowling gets told to shut up by Lesbian Visibility Week creator, reacts with...

Alex Drummond has been on the receiving end of heavy transphobic abuse and harassment first and foremost for being a transgender woman, but secondly for being one who has a beard. This has been ongoing for several years. Transphobes referring to themselves as "gender critical" simply can't help themselves but assert that no woman could ever be proud of having a beard, ignoring the myriad of cisgender women who have beards too in order to make such a misogynist argument.
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