Equality Act and the awful anti-trans debate in UK Parliament

On Monday 12 June, MPs met in Westminster Hall for a three hour debate on the definition of sex in the Equality Act 2010. A contentious debate that had been bubbling up for several months. Moss writes;

The Trans Agenda #25 Cass dismissed globally as US anti-trans laws fail

The Trans Agenda #25 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...

Man charged after threatening to bomb dictionary

Jeremy David Hanson of Rossmoor sent several disturbing messages via the dictionary company's website. Court documents allege he attacked Merriam-Webster for their "anti-science propaganda" and "telling blatant lies". He also used slurs for transgender people and stated "there is no such thing as gender identity".

TillyLovesBooks fired by Waterstones after The Bookseller’s PR for bigots goes wrong

Beloved bookseller and bookstagrammer, TillyLovesBooks, has been fired by Waterstones after a completely pointless and totally avoidable transphobic drama was kicked up by The...

Raquel Rosario Sanchez loses legal case over trans rights protests

The judge noted that Sanchez had been in receipt of threats of violence and other inimidating posts on social media. However it was ruled that no actionable breach of duty had taken place, though the university could have dealt with Sanchez's complaints in a "much better fashion".

Bridging hormones; why do transphobes want you furious about it?

Attempting to manufacture yet more anti-trans panic, The Telegraph ran a story regarding 'bridging hormones', which is short for a doctor prescribing you medication for harm reduction purposes. According to The Telegraph this basic harm reduction strategy is bad, because transgender.

The Trans Agenda #29 NHS betrays trans kids again

The Trans Agenda #29 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday and Thursday if you are subscribed. You...

UCLan Professor pens brazenly transphobic guidance for journalists & media

I would go on and dissect more of this UCLan style guide but its really all just the same. A complete disregard for transgender lives and an attempt to make transphobia easier to practice in the media for bigots. The point isn't fairness, equality, accuracy or balance. Its simply to create a double standard wherein the actual identity of a transgender person becomes part of the story - something that is literally never on the table when cisgender people commit crimes.

BBC apologises to transphobes for not being transphobic enough

A tweet in which the BBC apologises to transphobes for not being transphobic enough has attracted widespread criticism; "you should be better than this".

JK Rowling, lesbians and The Cotton Ceiling

If they believe it hard enough, perhaps they can will it into existence but I doubt it. Trans people just don't want to have sex with rancid nasty bigots. We want to have sex with people who love us and respect us, like anyone else.
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