Did JK Rowling agree with Nazis in bizarre anti-trans rant?

In a bizarre anti-trans rant it is claimed we see JK Rowling agree with Nazis that support for trans people is "degenerate, foolish, immoral and authoritarian". She calls it their "we told you so" moment during her defense of Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull.

12 or 16? UK Government’s bizarre attempt to deflect from trans suicides feat Prof...

There has been a lot of talk about trans suicide recently, especially as it pertains to transgender youth, after Wes Streeting announced he would pursue making Victoria Atkins' ban on puberty blocking medication permanent. This has prompted a bizarre response from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) in an attempt to deflect from trans suicides.

Inside JK Rowling’s latest transphobic argument; trans sex offenders

As I touched on in the article marking JK Rowling's wacky weekend, the author has once again leaned into using crime related statistics to support her bigoted nonsense. But does it? Lets take a look inside JK Rowling's latest transphobic argument;

UK Health Secretary, Sajid Javid; “it’s important that words like women and men are...

The fact that transgender men and nonbinary people exist (and in the case of the former can have legal recognition of that fact) is enough to warrant the use of inclusive language. It's not about beliefs or about ideologies, its about ensuring that people get the care they need and that requires going beyond primitive views of 'basic biology'.

UK Government’s ‘Safe To Be Me’ cancelled

The need for queer solidarity really hit hard after the Government first announced it would not be banning conversion therapy at all. Then u-turned on that after backlash and subsequently announced it would ban it, but only for gay people. Meaning they would still allow people to attempt to torture the gender identity out of trans people.

“Most trans children are just going through a phase, advises NHS” is outright lie

Several mainstream media publications have repeated the lie that the NHS has advised "most trans children are just going through a phase", including The Times, The Telegraph and Sky News.

7 of 11 Tory PM candidates are doing lazy transphobia

With former Prime Minister Boris Johnson forced into resigning after countless scandals and horrific behaviours, Tory PM candidates transphobia card is being played by all but one.

80,000 celebrate Belfast Pride as pathetic protests get around 25

Belfast Pride returned this weekend after a three-year absence and it was bigger than ever.  An invading army would have not taken as long to...

JK Rowling’s horrific claim that trans women “retain male pattern criminality”

This transphobic disinformation has been floating around for many years now and has been debunked repeatedly. Despite this it persists as a quasi-religious belief amongst transphobes such as JK Rowling who repeated the claim on Twitter.

The Trans Agenda #8 Widespread glee over trans kid cruelty

The Trans Agenda #8 Welcome to The Trans Agenda, a newsletter that will arrive in your inbox Monday to Friday if you are subscribed. You...
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