Katy Montgomerie’s speech postponed at Warwick University

Katy Montgomerie's speech at Warwick University has been postponed following threats to disrupt the event and in the light of the protests regarding Nadhim Zahawi's disastrous appearance on campus earlier this year.

Maya Forstater accused of revenge porn against transgender person

Maya Forstater is being accused of posting revenge porn by the transgender community. We have been careful throughout this article to not refer or link to anything that could identify the victim.

LGBT Cons Ally of the Year is… Penny Mordaunt… really?

During the Conservative Party conference held in Birmingham this year, former leadership candidate and MP for Portsmouth North Penny Mordaunt was presented with the award for ‘Ally of the Year’ by the Tory LGBTQ+ group called the LGBT Conservatives.

Gender Recognition Act reform: FAQ

Self ID, otherwise known as Gender Recognition Act reform is once again a trending topic. This following Scotland's progress on reform which looks to demedicalise the process.

JK Rowling selfie attacks Nicola Sturgeon over trans-inclusion

A JK Rowling selfie has become a news item after the Harry Potter author posted one to social media. In which, she is seen wearing a t-shirt targeting Nicola Sturgeon by calling her the "destroyer of women's rights".

Chest binding study; “over 97% reported at least one negative health outcome”

A study on chest binding is being bandied about by the anti-trans crowd due to the eye catching statistic reported in the abstract. "Over 97% reported at least one of 28 negative outcomes attributed to binding". But what does this actually mean?

Mermaids UK criticised by British media (and JK Rowling) for giving chest binder to...

Children's charity and parental support group Mermaids UK have come under fire from the usual transphobic suspects trying to demonise any and all support for trans youth. This time over the use and support of teens using a chest binder. JK Rowling was there too, in case you cared.

Kevin Lister fired over treatment of transgender student

Kevin Lister, a teacher from Swindon, was fired and is now taking legal action against his former school. He was fired regaridng his treatment of a transgender student.

Tribunal finds trans woman was discriminated against

An employment tribunal has found that a trans woman was discriminated against when she was asked about her use of the changing areas. This discrimination was based on the protected characteristic of gender reassignment.

Trans talking points: Bailey, Joyce + more

As it has been very quiet in the papers since the death of the world's largest landowner, I thought it a good idea to...
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