Media Watch

Trans Writes Media Watch keeps an eye on legacy publishers, mostly right-wing print as the worst culprits, to highlight the misinformation and smear campaigns being spread about trans and non-binary people.

Trans Bites: Issue 1 June 2023

Hello, and welcome to Trans Bites, the newsletter that alerts you to the big stories affecting trans people in the UK today that the UK national media don't want to tell you about.

Gender neutral toilets at The Mail and sanitary products in the men’s at The...

The Mail love nothing more than to scream about the horrors that will unfold should an establishment offer gender neutral toilets.

Exclusive: Guardian writers and editor set up group to make Guardian more transphobic

A group of senior writers and editors at The Guardian met as part of the company’s ‘Diversity and Inclusion Week’ to discuss pushing gender-critical narratives 'fearlessly,' with the paper's anti-trans slant clearly not enough for them.

Trans news roundup 18 April 2023

Weekly roundup on transgender issues, including music stars' clash, sports controversies, government guidelines, and activism across the globe.

Dutch regulator deems Transgender Act radio ad needlessly offensive

The Advertising Code Committee in the Netherlands rules a radio advertisement on the Transgender Act bill as needlessly offensive, following objections.

The Times’ hypocrisy: Testosterone for cis women a “Life-Changer” but poison for trans people?

Times' hypocrisy: praises testosterone patch for menopausal women, yet demonises its use for trans people. Question media's double standards.

Rosie Duffield’s Times trans article, Labour and Policy Exchange

Rosie Duffield has so many complaints about her transphobia that Labour allegedly has an email folder dedicated to her alone. With staffers reportedly instructed...

Jeremy Clarkson asks ‘What if you’re wrong about trans people?’

In a recent Sunday Times column, Jeremy Clarkson discussed the prevalence of transgender issues in the news and, although he makes jokes and uses problematic language throughout the piece, he posed an important question: "What if you're wrong?"

Christine Jardine stands up for Trans Rights in heated debate with Julia Hartley-Brewer

Liberal Democrat MP Christine Jardine recently demonstrated her commitment to trans rights in a heated debate with TalkRadio's Julia Hartley-Brewer. The debate was centered around the issue of trans prisoners and the treatment of trans individuals in the criminal justice system.

An open letter to James O’Brien about trans people

Dear James, Perhaps you would indulge me here a little as I try to guide you on an issue you seem to be having some problems with – the ‘transgender debate’.
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