Abigail Thorn

Abigail Thorn is an actress, writer, and the creator of Philosophy Tube. When the NHS refused to give her healthcare she dedicated her free time to understanding and publicising Britain's Trans Health Crisis.

NHS England’s proposal to ban puberty blockers for trans youth

NHS England (NHSE) is holding a public consultation on a proposal to ban puberty blockers for transgender children. The consultation is open until November 1st. This article will explain the proposal in some detail with the aim of providing guidance for respondents. It will also explain the general context of NHSE’s treatment of trans patients so allies and activists who are not up to speed on the situation in the UK can understand what is happening and what must be done.

Have we got it wrong on dysphoria? Abigail Thorn discusses trans healthcare

I would prefer to centre desire and will when talking about transition. To me, transition is more than meeting a medical need, just like crossing the Rubicon was more than Caesar getting his feet wet. It’s taking your life in your hands and shaping it yourself. I think that’s beautiful. I didn’t transition to “alleviate my dysphoria,” I transitioned because I fucking wanted to. Who is the state, or a doctor, to tell me I can’t? 
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